definition: an ideal community or perfect society
example: Until war broke out, Sam's safe and friendly community was a utopia.
antonym: war -
definition: The act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in with them
example: At the school the children dressed in conformity, wearing nearly identical uniforms.
antonym: individuality, unique -
definition: to discipline or punish
example: When Samantha dropped the glass, her parents chastised her for doing so by making her clean up the mess.
antonym: reward -
definition: a memory of an event
example: Valerie had good recollection of the soccer game where she shot two goals.
antonym: forget, -
definition: huge in size or extent; immense
example: Jessica's knowledge of Taylor Swift was so vast, she could state all of her songs in less than ten minutes!
antonyms: small, petite, tiny -
definition: uneasy or fearful about something that might happen
example: Katarina was apprehensive about the upcoming soccer game, where she would be playing a new position.
antonyms: excited, joyful, content