Day 0
No bugs,
77 degrees, sunny with a few clouds
Skeleton is intact, no bones missing or protruding
No decomposition -
Day 1
10 blowflies (Calliphoridae) around fish,
Sunny- 77 degrees
No bones missing or protruding
No decomposition visible -
Day 2
Sunny with clouds, 79
10 blowflies (Calliphoridae) and ants ( Odontomachus) spotted
No bones missing or protruding
Fish is slightly dried up and slight decomposition has taken place -
Day 3
cloudy, 70 degrees
blowflies (Calliphoridae), lots of ants ( Odontomachus)
No bones protruding or missing
Guts have started turning to mush outside of body, starting to show signs of decomposition -
Day 4
sunny, few clouds, 79 degrees
at least 20, 1/2 inch maggots (Calliphoridae)
Skeleton not protruding
Brown mush of fish's insides has grown, fish is thinner and decomposition can be seen -
Day 5
84 degrees and sunny
1 maggot (Calliphoridae) and 10 blowflies (Calliphoridae)
No bone protrusion
Brown mush is drying up, fish is thinner and shows more signs of decomposition -
Day 6
84 degrees and sunny with a few clouds
No signs of blowflies, just ants ( Odontomachus )
No bone protrusion
Brown mush is dry, fish looks completely dried out, still decomposing -
Day 7
Rainy 75 degrees
No insects
No bone protrusion
Fish is wet, losing scales -
Day 8
83 degrees and cloudy
ant hill on one side of fish ( Odontomachus )
No bone protrusion
Tail is shriveled, scales have been faded, fish is very decomposed -
Day 9
89 degrees with some clouds
ants covering one side of fish ( Odontomachus )
No bone protrusion
Decomposition has taken toll on fish, looks to be partially covered in ants -
Day 10
88 and sunny
ants ( Odontomachus ) built hill surrounding fish
No bone protrusion
Partially eaten and lived in by ants, completely dried and very thin -
Day 11
81 degrees and drizzling, cloudy
Ants ( Odontomachus ) still surrounding fish
No bone protrusion
Fish is still intact but is very thin and looks like it is very decomposed