
  • Invention Of Basketball

    Invention Of Basketball
    Dr. James Naismith an instructor at a Christian school in Springfield, Massachusetts invents basket ball (it was two words back then.)
  • First students to play

    For the first time ever a group of students and workers at this Christian school play a public game.
  • Fist Womens school to play basketball

    Fist Womens school to play basketball
    On March 22, 1893 Smith’s college in Massachusetts becomes the first womens school to play basket ball.
  • Free thow line changes

    Then in 1894 the free throw line is moved from 20 feet to 15 feet.
  • Professional game

    Professional game
    The first professional basket ball game is played in Trenton, New Jersey.
  • *Basketball*

    The spelling of basket ball changes to basketball.
  • Record for wins

    Passaic High School in Mass. sets a record for boys with 159 consecutive wins.
  • First College Doubleheader

    The first college basketball doubleheader is played at Madison Square Garden in front of over 16,000 fans, New York University defeats Notre Dame 25-18, & Westminster beats St. John's 37-33.
  • Basketball joins the Olympics

    Basketball joins the Olympics
    Basketball becomes an official Olympic sport, United States defeats Canada 19-8 for the gold medal. The games were played in Berlin, Germany.
  • Winning back-to-back

    The Minneapolis Lakers become the first team to win back-to-back championships.
  • All-star game

    All-star game
    The East defeats the West 111-94 in the first ever all-star game.
  • Harlem Globetrotters

    Harlem Globetrotters
    A crowd of 75,000 people a record for a basketball game, watched the Harlem Globetrotters perform at Berlin Olympic Stadium!
  • Widening the Foul Line

    The NBA widens the foul line from 6 ft. to 12 ft.
  • Perfect Record

    Perfect Record
    North Carolina wins the NCAA championship with a perfect record of 32-0.
  • Beginning Of Something Great

    Beginning Of Something Great
    Boston Celtics win the first of their 8 consecutive titles.