Period: to
Define contest rules and requirements for submissions
Have board members agree apone the rules of the contest, the length of time we will accept entries and have lawyer look it over to approve for marketing. -
Period: to
Sponsorship requests for Contestant Refreshment Tent at the BTYH Event
The top 100 contest entries will be invited to a special tent at the event and be served refreshments by company sponsors. Sponsors will need to submit their ideas for the tent and how they plan to accommodate 100 contestants and their guest. This would be promoted as a great direct marketing opportunity to animals lovers. -
Period: to
Work With Webdesigners For Marketing Page
The design of the page should be discussed, as well as the important functions, like the easy uploadability of contest submissons, playing of submissions, sharability, and easy voting. -
Period: to
Work with songwriter to create an example for song submissions
Local songwriter will contribute original material to use in advertising. Song will be written, recorded, and mastered in 10 days. -
Period: to
Work with CG artist to create animation for song example
Computer Graphics student at Full Sail University will work on creating an animated video to go with the recorded song that will be playing on website and in comercials promoting the Bark to Your Heart event. -
Period: to
Ideas for prizes for 1st , 2nd and third place winners
Contact potential sponsors and determine the prizes for the top 3 contest submissions. Incorporate prizes into marketing and on to website. -
Launch Bark to Your Heart Song Contest
The contest will go LIVE. Submissions will be uploaded at the BarktoyourHeart.com webpage, and contestants will share their songs across social media in hopes for "barks" a.k.a. votes. -
Period: to
Bark to Your Heart Contest Time Period
The contest will run for a month and half. The finalist will be invited as VIP guest of the Bark to Your Heart Event Dec 15th and be able to perform their songs live on stage until the final votes are in. -
Bark To Your Heart Annual Event
The Big Day is here! Message to be sent out to contestants: Push all of your friends and family to vote for your song! Invite them all to come to the event to watch you perform on stage if you are a finalist! -
Period: to
Compose song submissions for annual marketing campaige
Create a 60 sec commercial to run on TV stations and on internet ads. The commercial will feature the best of the song submissions and raise awareness to the Non Profit Organzation.