
Barium Timeline

  • Vincenzo Casciarolo finds some unusual pebbles that would shine during the night if they were heated to redness during the day.

  • Carl W. Scheele distinguishes barium oxide from lime

  • Johan Gahn discovers that Barium is also composed of Barium sulfate

  • Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau writes a translation of Carl Scheele's works, including his discoveries of oxygen, chlorine, barite, etc.

  • Christoph Hufeland wrote a book about the clinical uses of Barium chloride, talking about its different uses for headaches, skin and scalp diseases, and so much more.

  • Barium is isolated by Sir Humphrey Davy by electrolysis.

  • Italians begin using Barium in fireworks to create the green color

  • Carl Bachem and Hans Gunther develop Barium as an inert contrast agent for gastrointestinal agent

  • The detection of barium after uranium had been bombarded by neutrons which led to the recognition of nuclear fission

  • Barium getter wire was manufactured for radio tubes

  • Barium was discovered amongst the minerals in polypropylene

  • 670 thousand tons of barite were mined in the U.S.

  • Several Barium compunds were discovered

  • Barium began being used in dyes such as 6.9 Blanc-fixe, it is also used for the base of lake colors, para red, and for paper coating

  • Barium was introduced to cosmetics(facial products)