Barefoot Gen Timeline by Erick Galvan and Manuel Ruvalcaba

  • The Kamikaze Special Attack Corps begin operations

    The Kamikaze Special Attack Corps begin operations
    The Kamikaze Special Attack Corps began operations on October 29, 1944. This meant that the Japanese forces were ready to start attacking back.
  • Dad opposes war

    Dad opposes war
    Gen's father opposes the war since he thinks that it is useless. Since then, the Nakaoka family are referred to as traitors.
  • Dad gets arrested

    Dad gets arrested
    Gen's dad got arrested because he disrespected the chairman's family. During the arrest, he gets treated terribly. Because Gen's dad is the only one in the family that works, The Nakaoka family suffers.
  • Dad comes back home

    Dad comes back home
    Gen's father finally got released from the jail. This is an important event because the Nakaoka family were struggling. After the arrest, the family don't struggle as much since the father can now work so they can earn money for food.
  • Eiko gets abused

    Eiko gets abused
    In Eiko's school, money was missing. Everyone blamed Eiko, since her father opposes the war, to be the one who took the money. She gets taken to the principals office and gets abused.
  • Koji volunteers for the Navy

    Koji volunteers for the Navy
    Koji feels that the only way that he'll stop getting called a traitor is by joining the Navy. His father disagrees and gets mad at him because he feels as if war is useless.
  • The wheat field gets destroyed

    The wheat field gets destroyed
    The wheat field that the Nakaoka family have been working on for a long time was ruined by Ryucichi. This affected the family since the wheat was supposed to be used for food.
  • The bombings in Iwakuni

    The bombings in Iwakuni
    The Nakaoka family were outside their house where they suddenly hear bombs. They notice that the Americans were bombing the factories in Iwakuni. The bombings made they aware of what can happen to them.
  • The Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project
    A group of scientists were working on an atomic bomb for over three years. They planned to use the bomb in Niigata, Hiroshima, Kokura, and Kyoto.
  • American forces land on Okinawa

    American forces land on Okinawa
    On April 1, 1945, American forces landed to the island of Okinawa. Okinawa was the place where Japan's last line of defense was, so they needed more troops. Japan forced College students to join the Special Attack Corps.
  • B-29 Bombers

    B-29 Bombers
    In May, 1945, the Japanese mainland, Honshu, was bombed by B-29 bombers. The bombing caused a lot of damage and cost a lot of people's lives.
  • Japan's last bastion

    Japan's last bastion
    In June 23, 1945, there was a battle in Okinawa where everything was going wrong. Students were drafted and forced to block American tanks.
  • Kimie gets sick

    Kimie gets sick
    Gen's mother, Kimie, gets sick from malnutrition and overworking. There's nothing for her to eat, so she suffers. Gen and his brother Shinji go out on the streets to beg for money so they can buy medicine for their mother.
  • The Atomic bomb explodes

    The Atomic bomb explodes
    The atomic bomb began and released plutonium within the power of 20,000 tons. The bomb guaranteed war for the United States since the Japanese were not expecting an atomic bomb.
  • The Atomic Bomb Gets ready

    The Atomic Bomb Gets ready
    In July 16, 1945, the countdown had started at 5:30 a.m.. The Americans were ready to bomb Japan.
  • The Potsdam Declaration

    The Potsdam Declaration
    In July 26, 1945, the United States, Great Britain and China issued the Potsdam Declaration, which indicated that Japan had to surrender from the war.
  • Gen helps out Mr. Horikawa

    Gen helps out Mr. Horikawa
    Mr. Horikawa had many debts to pay. It was hard for him to get the money since he only has one leg. Mr. Horikawa works as a glass replacer. Gen decided to break the windows of some houses so Mr. Horikawa could make some money if he repaired him.
  • B-89 Bombers prepare to take off

    B-89 Bombers prepare to take off
    Seven B-89 bombers were taking off to bomb Japan. The scheduled time for the bomb was 9:15 A.M. on August 6.
  • The Atomic Bomb reaches Hiroshima

    The Atomic Bomb reaches Hiroshima
    The Atomic bomb reached Hiroshima. The reaction was rapid, so there was no chance to hide.
  • Gen passes out

    Gen passes out
    As the bomb reached Hiroshima, Gen passed out. When he wakes up, he finds out that the bomb had killed many people. He tries to look for his family. He also tries to help the people who were burning to death.
  • Gen finds his family

    Gen finds his family
    While looking for his family, he encounters the Chairman and Ryukichi. They're both stuck under their destroyed house. Gen helps them out, but then finds his family is stuck too. He asks if they could help, but instead run away.
  • Kimie refuses to leave

    Kimie refuses to leave
    Gen's mother, Kimie, is the only one who was able to get out of the destroyed house. Eiko, Shinji, and their father are all trapped. Kimie can't do anything to help, since she is pregnant. Her husband tells her and Gen to leave them behind and to run away.
  • The fire gets worse

    The fire gets worse
    The fire got close to Gen's house, so the only choice is for him and his mother to run away. As they leave them behind, Kimie starts laughing as if the death of her family gives her satisfaction.
  • Kimie gives birth

    Kimie gives birth
    As they run away, they find a river where they think it's best if they jump. Meanwhile, Kimie begins to feel pain and she realizes that she is giving birth. Gen does everything he could to help.
  • Kimie talks to the newborn

    Kimie talks to the newborn
    As they are about to jump in the water, Kimie decides to talk to her baby that the war has taken away her family.