Barbuda PLH

  • BPM voice against the council's land scheme

    Barbuda People's Movement denied that they adopted the scheme presented in the council meeting (details of the scheme unknown), and claimed that "the outcome of such meetings can be determined using just a cooler with a few beers and drinks."
  • Period: to

    hurricane irma

  • Barbuda government partially approved the larger PLH development, with conditions

    Department of Environment issued conditional approval to the plan, excluding the development on the Sand Bar on the southern end of the lagoon northwards.
  • DCA noticed PLH developer of DOE's approval-in-princinal

    Development Control Authority reminded PLH that construction could not begin until DOE gives formal approval.
  • Council discussed PLH plan in meeting

    Villagers said PLH did not present a detailed plan of development. And they were aware of an environmental assessment of the project.
  • DOE green-lit PLH Phase 1 plan, with conditions

    Department of Environment approved the application of the PLH Phase 1 golf course, which is a child project of the larger Palmetto area development (this project was still under conditional approval at that time). DoE also noted that "this project presents a potential risk to the entire water system of Barbuda, human health as well to wildlife and ecosystems and as such will require an Environmental Management Plan to be completed after the project has been commissioned."
  • Barbuda Council asking PLH to stop construction

    Barbuda council wrote to ask PLH to decelerate construction at Palmetto Point and the Lagoon area.
  • Court issued injunction to the PLH construction

  • Barbuda government visited PLH site and found no wrongdoing

    Visited on Jan. 28, Feb. 13, and June 15, 2020. Found everything in line with the regulations.
  • Council advisor visited site and recommended a halt of construction

    Adelle Blair, biologist and former senior environmental officer of Barbuda DoE, visited the site on Feb. 10, 2020, and submitted a report to Barbuda Council on Aug. 13 to express concern and suggest a halt of the development.
  • DoE approved risk reduction plan for golf course and west Palmetto area

    approved the proposed installation of Geotubes (in October); approved the proposed changes to the design of the golf course to compensate sand mining "conducted by Barbuda Council"
  • GLAN asked RAMSAR members to intervene the PLH development

  • injunction lifted