Banned Books Over Time

  • Possible first Banned Books

    Possible first Banned Books
    While these were not officially banned books, some of the earliest books banned by the puritans would have been John Eliot's The Christian Commonwealth in 1640 or William Pynchon’s The Meritorious Price of Our Redemption in 1650.
  • First Banned Book in America

    First Banned Book in America
    While it was published in around 1937, Thomas Morton’s New English Canaan was the first book to be officially banned in 1644. Morton was arrested for publication of the New English Canaan in Boston. The Puritans were also to blame for this banning because of Morton's threat to their social order
  • Ulysses

    This book was burned in not only the US but also Ireland, Canada, and England and also it was banned in England
  • A Farewell to Arms

    A Farewell to Arms
    This book was challenged for being a "sex novel".
  • The Sun Also Rises

    The Sun Also Rises
    This book by Hemingway was banned in Boston, MA, Ireland, Riverside, CA, San Jose, CA and was also burned by Nazis before WWII.
  • Brave New World

    Brave New World
    This book was banned for many reasons, one being its promiscuity, drug use, and appearance of suicide. This is still being challenged as early as 2008
  • The Grapes of Wrath

    The Grapes of Wrath
    In 1939 this book was physically burned because of the 'vulgar language'. Most of the reasoning for the book being burned was because it took the lord's name in vain and Christian parents were not thrilled. The most recent Challenging was in 1993
  • Of Mice and Men

    Of Mice and Men
    Originally banned in Ireland, this book was exiled for the use of the lord's name, racial slurs, and other profanity.
  • Lolita

    With its themes of pedophilia and incest, this book was deemed inappropriate for minors up until 2006
  • The Catcher in the Rye

    The Catcher in the Rye
    This book has been exiled many times because of it being "Obscene and Innapropriate" for readers. With the most recent challenging being in 2009
  • Animal Farm

    Animal Farm
    This was another book by George Orwell that was banned. He was said to be a communist. The book was also banned for it's political views.
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    Many schools removed this book from their curriculum and libraries for being sexually explicit. The book is said to glorify criminal activities such as bestiality, torture, dismemberment, death, and human elimination. Parents of these students claim that " teachers can choose the best books, but they keep choosing this garbage over and over again."
  • Catch-22

    This book was banned first in 1972 but it was repealed in 1976. It was then challenged again in 1979 because of its reference to women as 'whores'.
  • The Lord of the Flies

    The Lord of the Flies
    This book was banned because it claims men are little more than animals and that when given the chance will go into an animalistic rage. The most recent being in 2000
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    This book was originally banned because of its use of words such as "damn" and "whore lady", some went as far as to say that the book was a trashy novel. But one important reason people banned this book was because of the use of racial slurs. It causes the reader to feel uncomfortable, but that is what happens when we learn about history, we see our mistakes. 2009 was the most recent banning of this book.
  • Gone With the Wind

    Gone With the Wind
    The book that was based on the movie Gone With the Wind was challenged for using the 'n-word'.
  • 1984

    This book would not be the only banned book by George Orwell. 1984 was banned for being pro-communist and including sexual content.
  • The Color Purple

    The Color Purple
    This book was banned so often because of its stories of drug abuse, homosexuality, and torture. It was said to be an "X-rated book" that should not be accessible to students.
  • As I Lay Dying

    As I Lay Dying
    This book, like many that were banned, was challenged for religious reasons. This book included topics of abortion, masturbation, strong language, and also it questioned the existence of God.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    This book was banned because of the language and sexual references in Charleston, SC
  • Song of Solomon

    Song of Solomon
    This book uses negative racial stereotypes and includes sexual content. People trying to ban the book refer to it as "filth," "trash," and "repulsive."
  • Beloved

    This book is most often challenged by Christian parents because of the inappropriate content it includes. Examples being bestiality, sex, racism, and slavery. 2007 is the most recent banning.
  • Lord of the Rings

    Lord of the Rings
    What most would see as a fantasy novel was burned for being 'satanic' in Alamogordo, NM.