Bank Battle Timeline

  • The Charter of the Second Bank

    The Charter of the Second Bank was established which was the same thing as the first National Bank. It was disliked by many people because of the currency it had which they called "monopoly" and they felt like it mostly represented the wealthy.
  • Jackson vetoed the bill re-chartering the Second Bank

    Jackson un-chartered the Bank which meant he didn't allow it to continue growing. He did this because he argued that the bank had too much power once it was chartered.
  • Jackson Stops Federal Deposits

    Jackson stopped all transactions or deposits of money and any withdrawals of the money it already has. He then transferred all the money from the Second Bank into select banks that were called "pet banks."
  • Election of 1836

    The Election of 1836 was important because it set a two-table system of parties. Anti-Jefferson people became Whigs and the rest were Democrats. So in the end you were either Democrat or a Whig.
  • Election of 1840

    During this Election, the country had low wages and the country was all over the place. The Whigs and Democrats were more divided than ever and a representative of the Whigs won this Election which started the thing that if a President dies their Vice President becomes the new President.