Ballet Russes

  • Ballet Russes debuts

    Ballet Russes debuts
    Sergei Diaghilev presents "Saison Russe" in Paris. This was his first season of Russian ballet.
  • Ballet Russes becomes Official

    Ballet Russes becomes Official
    The company started to grow and get poplar, so Diaghilev changed it from being seasonal to year-round.
  • Vaslav Nijinsky joins

    Vaslav Nijinsky joins
    Diaghilev gave Nijinsky his first opportunity as a choreographer. That same year he choreographs "Le Apres-mid-d un faune (Afternoon of the Faun)". One of his major works.
  • Vaslav Nijinsky is dismissed from company

    Vaslav Nijinsky is dismissed from company
    After Nijinsky remarries (after a intimate relationship with Diaghilev), he is dismissed from the company .
  • Leonide Massine joins

    Leonide Massine joins
    In place of Nijinsky, Leonide Massine is invited by Diaghilev.
  • company expands

    company expands
    By 1920, the company was growing at a fast rate. Many ballets were being produced and many choreographers, artist, composers, and dancers were added.
  • Serge Lifar joins

    Serge Lifar joins
    known as one of the greatest male dancers of the 20th century
  • George Balanchine joins

    George Balanchine joins
    Gets invited by Diaghilev to audition for his Ballets Russes in Paris, and makes it into the company. He was the first american to join.
  • Serge Diaghilev dies

    Serge Diaghilev dies
    Serge Diaghilev dies at 9pm in venice, Italy
  • Ballet Russes Monte Carlo is founded

    Ballet Russes Monte Carlo is founded
    After Diaghilev's death, the company slightly went downhill, but after some time, a russian entrepreneur from Paris, and Ballet director founded the Ballet Russes Monte Carlo reviving Diaghilev's company and legacy.
  • Ballet Russes Monet Carlo first ballet debuts

    Ballet Russes Monet Carlo first ballet debuts
    The first performances are debuted with Leonide Massine and George Balanchine as head choreographers, and Tamara Toumanova as lead dancer
  • Period: to

    Ballet Russes Monte Carlo performs in America

    Sol Hurok, an impresario, and powerful promoter, booked their first American Tour. By 1935 they had perormed for millions.