Ballet Dance

  • Jan 1, 1500

    The birth of new form of dance

    The birth of new form of dance
    During the Renaissance period, in the noble courts and houses of Italy, a new form of dance was born. Aristocrats of this era were known for hosting elaborate parties to "best” others of the same elevated social status. As a new form of entertainment, a group of these nobles would have their subjects preform a dance mimicking the popular sport of fencing. This new form of dance imitated the lunges and smooth, graceful, movements of "sword dance."
  • Period: May 23, 1500 to

    Ballet Dance

  • Jan 1, 1581

    The spread of ballet

    The spread of ballet
    In the mid 1500's an Italian noble woman, Catherine de' Medici, was crowned queen of France. Balthasar de Beaujoyeux, one of the queen's court musicians/composers, began to create a ballet for her enjoyment. It was named "Le Ballet comique de la Reine" and was performed by dancers, singers, and an orchestra and the piece lasted for over five hours! It is considered to be the first ballet ever written.
  • The french revival of ballet

    After a period of lack of interest in the art, Louis XIV rekindles the love of ballet in France by creating a dance school where dancers train to perform in his court. After a period of lack of interest in the art, Louis XIV rekindles the love of ballet in France by creating a dance school where dancers train to perform in his court.
  • Ballet School

    Ballet School
    The first ever ballet school opens!
  • The solidification of the technique

    In 1670,Pierre Beauchamps creates the 5 ballet positions that are still being used today!
  • Leaps and bounds!The costume revoulution

    The founding of the Russian Imperial Ballet followed the revolution of the art in 1708, when dancers started preforming ballets in public theaters. The first of these recitals were performed in elaborate floor length costumes that severely limited movement of the dancer. As ballet evolved and dancers were asked to preform larger movements costume designers were forced to make more versatile costumes in materials that were much less stiff. One of the first of these costumes was designed for…
  • Leaps and Bounds continued

    ballet dancer, Marie Salle. It was a long, light weight flowing robe that was greatly inspired by the ancient Greeks. After this large change in the costumes of the dance, ballerina Marie Camargo, started to take the costume revaluation even farther by adapting her costumes so that the lines of her arch and ankles were visible and sporting tights that clung to her leg shape. Marie Camargo, is also accredited with the invention of the ballet slipper.materials that were much less stiff.
  • Ballet D'actions

    In the mid-17th century choreographer Jean-Georges Noverre wrote about his efforts to expand ballet into a form of art that used physical expression and bodies to tell a story. Unlike the earlier ballets which used masks to portray emotion, his style of choreograph y encouraged dancers to use only their faces and bodies to convey the story they were telling.
  • Ballet in france

    Early ballets in france were known as " romantic ballets".
  • New Inventions

    The invention of the pointe shoe was influenced greatly by the romantic time period. The en pointe position was created to give female ballerinas the appearance of an angelically floating across the stage. With the invention of the pointe shoe also came the creation of the prima ballerina.
  • The ballet capital of the world

    In 1847 choreographer and dancer, Marius Petipa, joined the Russian Imperial Ballet of St. Petersburg. Being one of the most famous ballet dancers of his time Petipa brought the title of the ballet capital of the world to Russia. He also trained a large number of dancers to preform productions of famous ballets such as Sleeping Beauty, Giselle, and Swan Lake
  • Costumes!

    Costumers, decor, and music were combined into a social dance.
  • Degas Inspires

    Some of degas works have inspiered some of the most famous ballet dances.
  • The New York City Ballet

    In 1948 George Balanchine co-founded one of the most famous ballet company’s ever, the New York City Ballet.
  • Companies

    some ballet companies began to perform modern dance works.
  • Ballet as we know it

    Ballet has evolved over hundreds of years to become the graceful, wonderful art that it is today. Ballet has evolved to the point where it incorporates diversities in dancers that add to its beauty.
  • Prediction

    I predict that the dance will change alot. I think there will be more moves and positions. Mabye in 2050 ballet will have adapted to more of a fast type of dance.