Bailey BOA

By conshea
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  • Aguilar refinanced Property with Countrywide Loan - Recorded

  • Aguilar refinances Property with loan from BOA - Not Immediately Recorded

  • Silver State obtains loan from Meadows Bank - Silver State Meadows Loan Recorded

    This Meadows Loan was granted a second-position deed of trust in the property
  • Silver State - Meadows Loan Recorded

  • Meadows obtains a title insurance policy from Nevada Title Company

    issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Co.
  • Aguilar refinances Property, obtains loan from Franklin America Mort. Co. - Recorded

  • Aguilar - Franklin Loan Recorded

  • BoA Deed of Trust Finally Recorded

  • Franklin Assigns its Rights in the Franklin Deed to BoA - Recorded

  • Meadows Bank assigns its rights under the Meadows Deed to Sam Bailey - Recorded

  • Mr. Bailey records notice of default and election to sell - provides BoA notice

  • Mr. Bailey records a notice of trustee's sale - provided notice to BoA

  • BoA Files Complaint Against Aguilar and Bailey

  • Foreclosure sale and Trustee's Deed recorded

  • Court Enters Order Largely Denying Title Co.'s Motion to Dismiss

  • Deposition of Sam Bailey Set to Take Place