Aguilar refinanced Property with Countrywide Loan - Recorded
Aguilar refinances Property with loan from BOA - Not Immediately Recorded
Silver State obtains loan from Meadows Bank - Silver State Meadows Loan Recorded
This Meadows Loan was granted a second-position deed of trust in the property -
Silver State - Meadows Loan Recorded
Meadows obtains a title insurance policy from Nevada Title Company
issued by Westcor Land Title Insurance Co. -
Aguilar refinances Property, obtains loan from Franklin America Mort. Co. - Recorded
Aguilar - Franklin Loan Recorded
BoA Deed of Trust Finally Recorded
Franklin Assigns its Rights in the Franklin Deed to BoA - Recorded
Meadows Bank assigns its rights under the Meadows Deed to Sam Bailey - Recorded
Mr. Bailey records notice of default and election to sell - provides BoA notice
Mr. Bailey records a notice of trustee's sale - provided notice to BoA
BoA Files Complaint Against Aguilar and Bailey
Foreclosure sale and Trustee's Deed recorded
Court Enters Order Largely Denying Title Co.'s Motion to Dismiss
Deposition of Sam Bailey Set to Take Place