Baghdad Burning

  • Period: to

    British in Middle East

    British navy (anticipating WWI with Germany) change from coal to oil for battleship fuel, expanding oil holding from Middle East
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Award the British a mandate to govern areas of Middle East, including what's now Middle East
  • U.S. Seizes

    U.S. Seizes
    United States fomented the 1953 coup that ousted a democratic, nationalist government and restored the Shah- paving road to the Iranian Revolution.
  • Changes in Middle East Oil Occupation

    Changes in Middle East Oil Occupation
    Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) created; British and French influence in Iraq diminishes; U.S. in Saudi Arabia
  • Iranian Revolution

    Iranian Revolution
    Iranian Revolution takes off
  • Hussein, Kuwait, and the U.S.

    Hussein, Kuwait, and the U.S.
    U.S and Iran/Iraq are allies until Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait; United States responds with war
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    Thousands of deaths; leaves Saddam in power, leaving UN sanctions in place (Iraq cannot sell oil); electric power lost; food supply/clean water diminishes
  • UN Oil for Food Program

    UN Oil for Food Program
    Program generated $27 Billion for humanitarian purposes (food/water/building restoration) but the U.S. extracted some of these funds for reparation after war.
  • Period: to

    "Puppet Show"

    U.S. makes effort to establish a pro-American government in Iraq; In '96 the CIA chooses ex-banker Ahmed Chalabi to overthrow Saddam; Chalabi unsuccessful as he he did shady things, never grew a political following, and was deemed a spy for Middle East.
  • U.S. "Restoration" in Middle East

    U.S. "Restoration" in Middle East
    U.S. telling citizens we're trying to repair Iraq, but we never gained enough control to restore order; let explosives "slip" through our hands into Middle East; only 2% of $18.4 billion for "reconstruction".. but more money went to military funding than the health care of the people.