Background to World War I

  • Franco-Prussian War

    von Bismarck was trying to unite Prussia, France tried to prevent that and went to war. They lost Alsace-Lorraine as a result.
  • Period: to

    Background to WW1

  • Triple Alliance formed (Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary)

    This allowed all three countries security guarantee from any foreign invasion. This alliance helped Germany as there would be help should a two-front war occur, and for the others was a gateway to safety against other major European powers.
  • Wilhelm II becomes Kaiser

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II expands navy

    Wilhelm does this because he has strong intentions of strengthening Germany through colonial power. To do this he would need a very strong navy, something which only Great Britain possessed. This increased tensions between the two.
  • Britain and France sign the Entente Cordiale

    France and Britain, who had been bickering for a long time, finally agreed to help each other see off the threat of Germany. They also fixed up previous disagreements over colonies in Africa.
  • First Moroccan Crisis

    Germany wanted to help Morocco become independent, but this was opposed by France who had wanted to take over the North African country. France refused to go to war with Germany over this small issue, so the Algeciras conference was organised. Germany was humiliated by the combined power of GB and France.
  • Russia loses to Japan in war

    This greatly weakened the Russians, who could not afford to lose another conflict. This also led to a failed revolution against the Tsar in Russia.
  • First dreadnought built by Britain

    The dreadnought was an all new powerful ship. Strong, fast and having turrets capable of firing over a nine metre radius, these battleships were never seen before. They were sure to be an incredible weapon should there be a naval battle.
  • Naval Race between Germany and Britain

    As a response to the Kaiser's intentions, the two countries starting quickly building many ships to increase the power of their navy.
  • Britain and Russia form an alliance

    Feeling threatened by Germany, these two powers form an alliance, completing the Triple Entente and allowing for a geographical advantage over the Germans.
  • Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia

    This was particularly opposed by the Serbians, who felt they had a right to Bosnia since many fellow Serbs were living there. This gave their intentions to create a 'Greater Serbia' a blow. However, it also became a strong point of tension between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
  • Second Moroccan Crisis

    France tried to take over Morocco again and were prepared to compensate Germany for their losses. However, the German response was to send a gunboat to Agathir. This was threatening to France and Britain, who called another conference and continued to stand firm together against Germany, strengthening their relationship which Germany had hoped to weaken and break.
  • Wars in the Balkan region

    Serbia came out as the big winner, doubling their land mass. Austria hungary felt threatened, as the Serbs had a strong army and an alliance with Russia.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated

    The heir to the Austro Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, who was part of the Black Hand Gang organised by the Serbian government. This gave a good excuse for Franz Joseph to go to war with Serbia, especially with Germany's backing.