Nelson was born
Nelson was born in Mvezo South Africa -
Attends primary school
Here he recieves the name "Nelson" from his teacher -
Joins congress
Nelson joins he Africa National Congress Campaign for black equality -
Elected President
Nelson was elected president of the ANCYL -
Defiance campaign begins
During this event, Nelson gets arrecsted and charged for voilating the supression of comunism act -
Sentenced life imprisioned
Mandela and six others were sentenced life imprisioned in the Robben Island -
Inagagurated President of South Africa
He became known as the first black president in South Africa -
Diagnosed with Cancer
Mandela got diagnosed with prostate cancer -
Nelson Mandela Passes
Mandela dies in 2013 of respitory infection -
Goes to Hospital
At this time Mandela is admitted to Tygerberg hospitaol where he is diagnosed with Tuberculosis