Baby tossing

Baby tossing

By ConorG
  • 1473

    Origin of baby tossing

    Baby tossing was created 700 years ago as a ritual that was meant top bring good luck and a long life tot he child. Couples would participate to help in the effort of blessing their children. In the ritual the priest would toss a baby off the top of a building (usually church) and it would lots of the time result in the death or serious injury of the child.
  • 1500

    Baby tossing - survival

    Their was a new meaning added to the ritual of baby tossing from just being about luck to then including the fact that they were savored by god if they survived. This change was well received as it added a new luck or love from god to the child meaning that the parents were happy with it.
  • Baby tossing - sickness

    Baby tossing was seen as a sort of vaccination against sickness as there were no vaccines or modern medicines but around the 1900 they started giving baby's vaccines and medicine making the ritual of baby tossing less meaningful which was not received well by priests or heavily religious people.
  • Baby tossing - Blanket

    700 years ago, baby dropping had no protection, the baby's would be dropped from 2 story buildings and the priests thought that the lord will protect the baby's by putting a hammock underneath the baby and if the baby died it would be thought that it was a devil baby. nowadays the family would sit underneath with a sheet to protect it from falling to their death.
  • Modern baby tossing

    People have tried to stop baby tossing with it nearly happening in 2009 and 2011 but they have managed to keep it around with some changes such as it no longer being a holiday for the people involved to stop working and still be payed as well as them only being allowed to do it in certain places. This did not change the meaning of the ritual although people didn't like the change