baby timeline

  • Baby is born

    Tasting and smelling
  • 3 Months old

    Baby is laughing
  • 4 Months old

    Starting to sit up
  • 6 Months old

    Rolling over, bouncing while held, trying to crawl
  • 7 Months old

    starting to understand so much more about the world that objects don't disappear when out of sight, that toys can be sorted and stacked, and that when you leave, you're actually gone.
  • 8 months old

    Your 8-month-old is on the move and may impress you by crawling, creeping, scooting, standing, and cruising.
  • 9 months

    baby's language skills are progressing, and some of that babbling may sound more like a real conversation now. Memory is developing, too: Your little one can remember where objects are and imitate some of your movements. This month, get tips on adding some relaxation to your routine, making family meals more manageable, and handling the common cold.
  • 10 months

    Picking up objects is easier now, which means your baby may be able to eat a meal and drink from a cup without much help from you. Your little one may have a few teeth by now, and be down to two naps a day. As far as emotional development, your baby probably understands "no," and may enjoy playing next to other babies.
  • 10 month week 2

    10-month-old is becoming a pro at picking up small objects, so make sure that your baby can't grab anything dangerous, and watch out for unsafe finger foods. Also this week, get ideas for starting family traditions and celebrating holidays with your baby, and see what to do if your little one gets an insect bite or sting.
  • 11 month old

    personality will continue to blossom and will come out in all sorts of ways, including showing a liking for certain books and wanting to help you around the house. This month also can bring a mixture of highs and lows for you. Separation anxiety can become intense, and there's that first birthday party to plan. In this article, you'll find out more about your baby's 11th month and what it can mean for you both.
  • 11 month week 3

    You've probably noticed that how your bond with your baby is expanding to new experiences, such as working on little projects around the house together and having real conversations. In this article, explore how to get the most out of these moments to boost your baby's social and language skills. Also, explore how to deal with two unanticipated realities you may be facing now: Your child's thumb-sucking and your family's growing food bills.
  • 11 month week 4

    It's been an amazing year, and your baby's likely finishing strong with lots of walking or attempts to walk. Your little one might also be clinging to some things it's time to let go of, like a pacifier. This week, discover some basics on confronting the self-doubt many moms and dads face at this time, as well as the facts about chicken pox.