Month 1
- weight may drop after birth but will be regained
- hand, arm, leg, and rooting movements are all reflex motions
- head flops if not supported
Month 2
- Muscles relax and twitch less
- Hands start to unfold
- Lifts head about 45 degrees while lying on tummy
Month 3
- Cut's First tooth
- Stretched out arms and legs
- Briefly bears weight on legs
Month 4
- Sits with arms propped
- Lifts head about 90 degrees
- Holds hands together
Month 5
- Grab's toes and feet
- Reaches with good aim
- Wiggles forward on floor
Month 6
- Holds head steady
- Rolls in both directions
- Holds head steady
Month 7
- May creep, scoot, roll, crawl, or combine all four movements
- Can sit unassisted and reach for and pick up objects
- Can hold self up when supported
Month 8
- Very likely to already be crawling
- Can manipulate toys with relative ease
- The pincer grasp is now well developed for babies to pick up very small objects.
Month 9
- Can crawl around with more ease than before
- Fine motor skills are improved, with their ability to coordinate of both hands.
- Have the ability to quickly change positions, from crawling to sitting back down
Month 10
- Baby can crawl, pull from a seated position to standing, squat while holding on or sit back down, and cruise around while holding onto the furniture or your hands.
- Baby’s coordination has improved a lot, with ability to pick up small objects being drastically easier
- Hold a toy in one hand while using the other hand for a different task.
Month 11
- Baby may let go of your hands to try out a few tentative steps alone or he might even be walking independently
- May start climbing things to explore
- Can feed self with fingers and perhaps even a spoon
1 year
- Babys weight has likely tripled since birth
- Can stand on own & may even take a few steps on their own
- Begin to sleep more at night than during the day