Baby's first mouth
baby turns their heads when your hand touches baby's cheek
baby keeps their hand in a fist
they can hold a object that is in baby's hand -
Baby's second month
baby can hold their head a little bit better when a tummy or sitting up
baby has a stronger sucking reflex
baby can make smoother moments with arms and legs -
Baby's third month
baby can support their upper body with arms when baby is lying down
hold head steady when sitting up
baby can lift their head to about 90 degrees when on stomach -
Baby's fourth month
bring toys to mouth
rubing their gums
can roll over from their tummy to their back -
Baby's fifth month
can sit up for long periods of time
starting to craw
can get their first tooth -
Baby's six's month
sit down really good with out help
bounces on bum
rock back and forth -
Baby’s seventh month
Support their weight on legs
Roll over both ways
Transfer objects to on hand to another hand -
Baby’s eighth month
Putting everything they touch in their mouths
Strong enough to pull themselves to stand
Touch everything around them -
Baby’s ninth month
Likes to bounce up and down
Starting to crawl
Has more control when baby is rolling around -
Baby’s ten month
Can squat and sit back down
Hold onto things around them to walk around
Has better hand and eye coordination -
Baby’s eleven month
Getting better at crawling
Can stand with out any support
Recognizing objects and pointing at them -
Baby’s twelve month
Say more words
Take a few steps on their own
Stand alone