1st Days Of Life
Babies are able to respond to human vices and feel comforted by them. -
First Month
Very young babies express any discomfort or distress by crying -
First Month
Most babies will stop crying when lifted or touched. The baby's face usually brightens when it sees a familiar face. -
Second Month
Around the second month babies usually smile at people and enjoy watching them move -
Month 3
Babies begin to turn their headin response to voices and want companionship and physical care. -
Month 3
Babies show delight by smiling perhaps in response to adult who is making funny faces at them -
Month 4
Babies laugh out loud and look for entertainmet -
Month 5
Babies begin to show their dislikes/disgust very clearly -
Fifth Month
Babies show increased interest in family, may cry when left alone, and begin to babble to themselves or toys -
Month 6
Babies begin to love company and attention. They may show delight in games like peekaboo -
Month 7
Babies prefer parents over family members or strangers -
8th Month
Babies begin to show anger whe the don't get their way or show hish sprirts with their whole body -
Month 8
Babies prefer to be ina room with others. Some can carwl and will move from room to room searching for company -
Motnh 10
Babies tend to show affection, first for caregivers then for other children later -
Month 9-10
The babies are socially active so they creep after parents,love attention, and enjoy being chased and playing games -
Month 11
Babies begin to show fear of strangers -
Months 11-12
Babies are friendly and happy. They become sensitive to other's emotions and like to be center of attention