Baby's 1st Month
- Able to lift head briefly during supervised tummy time
- Bring hands to face
- Suck very well
Baby's 2nd Month
- Kicking and waving
- Ability to grasp objects
- Fists remain relaxed (not clenched) half the time
Baby's 3rd Month
- Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach 2.Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands
- Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back
Baby's 4th Month
- Gnawing their fist and frantically rubbing their gums
- Able to visibly arch their back
- Great head control in a sitting positiion
Baby's 5th Month
- Begin to crawl
- Showing signs of wanting to walk (by exploring)
- Grasp gets tighter (fussiness)
Baby's 6th Month
- Sits without any support
- Bounces in standing position
- Begins passing objects from one hand to the other
Baby's 7th Month
- Uses ranking grasp (not pincer)
- Supports weight on legs
- Sits with and the without support of their hands
Baby's 8th Month
- Bears more weight on the legs
- Pulls to a standing position using furniture
- Bangs toys / objects together like blocks
Baby's 9th Month
- Turns head to visibly track down moving objects
- Leans forward to grasp objects
- Frequently bounces or rock themselves
Baby's 10th Month
- Stacks items on top of one another
- Grab finger foods to feed themselves
- Begin to speak simple words
Baby's 11th Month
- Begin to walk around with the help of furniture or holding onto someone's hands
- Baby may stand for long periods of times without the help of anyone or anything
- Begin to use fingers to point out objects
Baby's 12th Month
- Creeps on hands and knees supporting trunk on hands and knees
- Pulls self up to stand
- May walk two or three steps without support