1st month
-Recognizes the scent of his own mother’s breastmilk
-Brings hands within range of eyes and mouth
-Strong reflex movements -
2nd month
-Baby discover their hands
-Baby lying back and kicking their legs
-Cry less and sleep more -
3rd month
-Baby look at brightly colored toys
-Follow people or objects with the eyes
Smiled -
4th month
-Anything the baby is able to pick up will likely end up in the mouth -tasting is one of the ways she explores her world.
-Have pretty good head control while sitting supported
-Baby at this age are learning to be effective communicators. -
5th month
-Can start rolling over from their back to their tummy.
-Can pull objects closer and pick them up in the palm of his hand then move them adeptly from one hand to the other.
-Baby may even be able to hold a bottle or sippy cup by himself. -
6th moth
-Copies sounds
-Like to play with others, especially parents
-Respond to own name -
7th month
-Is more independent at mealtimes.
- starting to understand the meaning of language.
-Baby is getting to be experts at nonverbal communication. -
8th month
-Baby is curious at this stage because she is becoming more aware of their environment.
-She be strong enough to pull themselves up to a standing position while holding onto a chair or sofa.
-Most babies are starting to crawl. -
9th month
- Baby will be a lot less happy -- especially when you’re about to leave the room. -Nine months isn’t too young to start setting limits. Baby should understand the word “no” or a similar means of communication by now. -Baby has likely become an expert crawler.
10th month
-She is figuring out how to fit smaller objects into larger ones,
-Now that a few teeth have come in.
-The baby should be babbling, making eye contact, and responding to your words and actions. -
11th month
-She might even let go of your hands to try out a few tentative steps alone or he might even be walking independently.
- The baby will love opening drawers and cabinets, so be sure to lock up any chemicals, cleaning products, or cosmetics that are within his reach.
-She’ll enjoy learning how things work by arranging toys by size and color as well as taking them apart and putting them back together. -
12th month (one year)
-Copies gestures
-Say "mama" and "dada"
-Pulls up to stand