1st month
-Confidently suck from a breast or bottle.
-Reflexively grasp an object or finger that is placed in their hand.
-Cry, scream, gurgle, sneeze, blink, and engage in other natural reflexes -
2nd month
-fists remain unclenched half of the time
-good head control when held in a sitting position
-newborn reflexes start to go away, like the moro (startle) reflex and tonic reflex (fencer's pose) -
3rd month
-Raises head and chest when lying on stomach
-Opens and shuts hands
-Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach -
4th month
-rolls from front to back
-bring toys to the mouth, often with a two-handed grasp
-has good head control when sitting -
5th month
-Reach for an object
-Amuse herself by playing with her hands and feet
-Distinguish between bold colors -
6th month
-Begins to sit without support
-When standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce
-Rocks back and forth, sometimes crawling backward before moving forward -
7th month
-Supports her whole weight on her legs
-Reaches with one hand
-Uses raking grasp -
8th month
-Crawls quickly.
-Pulls to standing.
-Holds bottle and cup. -
9 month
-sit independently
-start to stand while holding on to something (like the couch)
-pull themselves up to a standing position. -
10 month
- Your baby might start to surprise you with his speed this month as he finds creative ways to get around the house all by himself. -Some babies start to insist on being allowed to walk, rather than sit in the stroller or baby carrier. -Baby may go through phases of enjoying solo play (in a babyproofed room), but you might also find that he enjoys the comfort of having a trusted caretaker nearby.
11th month
-your baby should be cruising around while holding onto the furniture or your hands.
-He might even let go of your hands to try out a few tentative steps alone or he might even be walking independently.
-A few particularly adventurous 11-month-olds find that climbing is a fun way to explore. They’ll scale counters, get over their crib railing, and put themselves into some pretty precarious situations. -
12th month
-Place one block on top of another.
-Point, poke, touch, and pry with the index finger
-Give objects to another person, if asked.