1st Month
~Head Control -
2nd Month
~Kicking & Waving
~Pushing & Rolling
~Grasping & Unclasping -
3rd Month
~Cause & Effect
~Rolling onto their tummy -
4th Month
~Baby can sit upright (while propped) in a high chair
~Baby holds her head up high and for long periods of time
~Baby's interested food and opens her mouth to try to taste it -
5th Month
~Starting to talk
~Tripod sit and rolling both ways
~Playtime and songtime -
6th Month
~Touchy Feely -
7th Month
~Until now your baby will have been using their whole hand to grasp toys (or your hair, the TV remote, the cat...). -
8th Month
~Dropping & Throwing
~You may notice your baby cries or whimpers when they see another baby crying – this is called ‘reflexive crying
~Vision Update -
9th Month
~Babbling On
~Social Skills
~Your baby is really starting to know what they want – and they may scream in annoyance if you take it away. -
10th Month
~Understanding You
~Your baby's personality is really emerging now. Their social skills are blossoming and they might give broad smiles to everyone they meet
~Some babies may be trying out a few words by now; others may be waiting until they feel more confident -
11th Month
~(Word Search) - Dada is often the first word around now (probably because the D sound is slightly easier to say than the M for Mama).
~Check-up time -
12th Month
~Some babies may be walking confidently now, but plenty more aren’t: the average age for their first steps is around 13 months.
~Most babies will have grown by about 25 cm since birth and their weight will have doubled or tripled.
~About now your baby will love ‘helping’ you tidy toys away or sort the washing.