Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1291
Crusades are fought
The Cusades are all about Pope Urban II's urge to have armies fight the Muslims in the so called Holy Land. The two went back and fourth between capturing and recapturing Jerusalem over and over again till it came to an end almost 200 years later. -
Jan 1, 1300
Renissance begins
The Renissance was a time where the was great art, literature going around all thoughtout Europe, but mostly in Norhten Italy where it all started. Renissance also means Rebith in French, which is very true counting the fact that so many old ideas from the Roman and Greek culture's are resurfacting. -
Jan 1, 1337
100 Years War Begins
The 100 Years War was actually 116 years, between England and France for control of the French land. It went back and forth between capturing and recapturing Fracne until finall the French won. -
Jan 1, 1347
Black Death begins in Europe
Many people were dying left anf right all throughout Europe, making the death toll somewhere between 1/3rd to 1/2 of the poeple during that time. It started from a flea, and almost caused in end of the known world. -
Period: Jan 1, 1368 to
Ming Dynasty
The Ming Dynasty was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang, after the previous dynasty failed. They went to many wars with the Monguhals during this time along with other nations. -
Period: Jan 1, 1405 to Jan 1, 1433
Voyages of Zheng He
Starting in 1403 the Youngle Emprie orded for a whole armada of ships to be made to travle around the Indin Ocean. After setting off in 1405, with Zheng He in comand, they went on 6 different voyages all around the Indian Ocean. -
Jan 1, 1431
Joan of Arc burned at the stake
Joan was a millitary leader for the French, who had lead the French into may battles against the British, which made her public enemy number one. So in order for them to get her killed they charged her of whichcraft and herecy, having her burned at the stake, but later on she was freed from all charged by the Pope himself 25 years after her death. -
Jan 1, 1453
Ottomans Conquer Comstantinople
Preperation for the conquest of what is now called Istanbul, started all the way back in 1452 and it wasn't till 1453 that the war offically started. After many battles the city was taken under control under the Ottoman Empire, earning a major advantage over major trade thoguht the whole Medeteranian. -
Jan 1, 1455
Johannes Gutenburg Printing Press
Created in 1455, it modernized printing and selling of books along with many other items, including the 95 Theses by Martin Luther. The very first thing to be printed on the Printing Press was the bible, and the german version was the book that caused the most production. -
Jan 1, 1492
Jews, Gypsies & Moors expelled from Spain
Jan 1, 1492
1st Voyage of Columbus
Sailing for the Spanish along the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina, Columbus was on the qeust to not only prove the world waa round but to find a route to India by sailing west. Instead he landed along the coast of Cuba, naming it San Salvador on October 12th of 1492. -
Jan 1, 1498
Da Gama lands in India
A potugese man who also wanted to find an alternate route to India, so taking 4 vessles and 170 men he set sail for India. Though unlike Columbus, he decided to go around the Southern Tip of Africa, landing in Calicut, India after a whole year of out on the big blue. -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Slave Trade
Starting in the 1500's, the European Countries started to take slaves from the African countries and forcing them to work for them. At first they didn't have such harsh lives until larer on during the slave trade when they were forced ro live in much harsher conditions, and little food with no pay at all. -
Jan 1, 1502
Naming "New World"
After Columbus landed in what he beleived to be Asia, a merchant by the name of Amergio Vespucci tavled to the new world and discovered that the hand wasn't Asia, but a new continent. A writer by the name of Martin Waldseemuller named the new land America, in his honor. -
Period: Jan 1, 1503 to Jan 1, 1507
Da Vinci Paints Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci was an inventor, writer, sculptor, painter, and basically a genius in the arts. Lenardo's most famous fainting is his Mona Lisa, a beautiful painting of a woman who no one truly knows the identity of. Some say she was his mistress, some a random woman he found on the street. -
Jan 1, 1508
Michelangelo Begins Painting Sistine Chaple
After living with the Medici family since he was a young boy, and sculpting since he was 13, when Pope Leo X asked him to paint the Sistine Chaple, he thought he was doomed to fail. Even though he thought he did horribly, he did what he call to be one of the most extrodinary paintings in the world. -
Period: Jan 1, 1510 to
Safavid Empire
This emprie was an entire theocracy, covering all of today Iran, parts of Turkey, spreading it''s theocracy views. First starting as a brotherhood, it quickly gained power my marriage and eventually became an empire. -
Jan 1, 1517
Martin Luther Posts 95 Theses
Martin Luther thought that the Roman Catholic Church was corrupt, and in a way to let them know he wrote his 95 Theses, which was oringally only intended for the Church to see. After he was spread around the world though many beleived whole heartedly that he was right, and Lutheranism was born in his honor. -
Jan 1, 1519
Magellan Starts His "Around The World" Trup
Even though he was born in Portugal, Magellan sailed on behaf ot Spain to circumnivigate the world. 3 long years of sailing, and starting out with 250 men only 18 returned, even without Magellan as he did in a battle of the natives in the Philippines. -
Jan 1, 1526
Mughal Emprie Begins
The Mughal emprie was brought to life by a prince by the name of Bâbur, who comes from a very long line of great concourers on both of his parents side of the family. His emprie rules over Northern India for two centuries throughtout several generations of rulers. -
Jan 1, 1534
Henry VIII Foudns the Angelican Church
After not reciving a male heir to the throne, he wanted to get a divorce from his wife Catherine, since she only gave birth to a girl named Mary. He was denied the divorce by the Holy Roman Emperor, who was Catherine's nephew, he declared that England would no longer follorw to Pope and formed the Angelican Church. -
Jan 1, 1537
Pizarro Invades Inca Empire
Before Pizzaro even came to the Inca emprie, there was a civil war going on between the Inca's at the time that lated for five years before it was settled, so when Pizzaro came they were welcomed greatly. They where very uneasy when the Sapa Inca came with his priests to come and talk to them, and killed the priests and the Sapa Inca, taking all the gold and silver as they fled. -
Jan 1, 1543
Copernicus Publishes Heliocentric Theory
Period: Jan 1, 1545 to Jan 1, 1563
Council of Trent
Pope Paul III originally made the Council of Trent with the one soul purpose of defending the Catholics Doctrines. They did admit to doing wrong things in the past, but they openly attacked Protestants, which apparently gave poeple stong reinforcement in the Catholic faith. -
Period: Jan 1, 1556 to
Phillip II rules Spain
Even thought he was the King of Spain during the "Golden-Age", during his rule Phillip II ruled during the economic decline of Spain. which included the disaster of the Spainish Armada. He was very modest man, and often doubted himself and relied on other but refused their help, which did lead to his downfall as king. -
Jan 1, 1558
Queen Elizabeth I Rules England
Period: to
Age of Enlightment
The Age of Englightment was a time with amazing achivements, most of them being scientific. Though the Age of Englightment was never fully unifited, as being there's a French Englightment, German Englihgtment, Swiss Englightment, ect. -
Jamestown, Colony in Virgina, Founded
Jamestown was on the first Colonies to be founded in the New World. The leader of the colony had to set sail for England after being summoned by the queen, but once he returned he found that the enitre colony has just vanished, leaving nothing but the world Croatoan carved on a tree. -
Louis XVI becomes Kind of France
After ruling for 16 years, King Louis died was escourting his queen to go and watch a game of tennis when he fell and hit his head, and after slipping in and out of concenous he died. There are still speculations to this day about exactly how he died. -
Qing Dyanast Begins in China
Being the last, and longest, emprie in China, it doed have a lot of ecvenets that happen during it's rule. Beijing was captured, the Great Wall of China was completed, and went though 12 empeors that ruled over the dynasty all thoes years. -
Thomas Hobbs Writes Leviathan
This book, Leviathan, was written during the English Civil war and most people today compare it to The Prince, seeing how it argues for a sovrigen rule and social contracts. Many subjects over polotics and morals are discussed in his books, and Thomas is also known to create the "Social Contract Theory". -
Period: to
Oliver Cormwell rules England
After being elected into Parliemtn in 1628 and 1640, he organized the armies after the civil war that broke it, which won the hearts over the poeple. He did many other thingys leading up this rule over England, but he was aslo seen as a hypocrite to his adversaries, whcih lead to his demise in 1658. -
Peter I (The Great) Becomes Czar
Peter I is widely known for his reforms, as he sought to try and make Russia a great country, by creating a strong navy, gaining more control over the Othodox Church, along with other things. He was not always known as "Peter the Great", but was seen as a tyrant and crule leader in the eyes of some of the people of Russia. -
Period: to
Catherine the Great rules Russia
After marrying her way into royalty Peter III became Czar of Russia, but was very hated by the poeple of Russia. So they overthroned Peter, putting Catherine up on the throne with high expectations, which were well met in the Russain's eyes. -
French Revoltuion Begins
Influenced by mane Englightment ideas, the French sought to try and have more rights, though when denied thoes rights there was much bloodshed. This lasted for many years but soon enough things took a turn for the worse and lead to the bankrupsy and mad citizents of France the Reign of Terror was formed. -
U.S. Constitution Is Ratified
After the end of the Revolutionary War, there was some issues with the power of the newly declared independent colonies, so they decided to make a Consitution. It could only be offically binded if all 13 states would ratifify the constitution, and so after long debated it finally was. -
Reign of Terror Begins
"Let them eat cake", was one of the very lines that was said that started the Reign of Terror. The people of france were poor and going though a rough time when Marie Antonette was the Queen, and loved cake and spent loads of money on it, and this didn't settled well with the people as they killed her. -
Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France
He was the first Frenchman to be crowned as Emperor in a thousand years, and finally in 1804 in Notre Dame, Pope Pius VII crowned him. He was only 35 years old at the time, and already had many emenies because of his briliant works on the French battle field. -
Nepoleon Defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
One of the mostic epic battles of all time, the ending battle that knocked Napoleon off his high horse. After being exiled in 1814 Napoleon came back and continued his reign over Europe, but was befeated by the British and Purssians and was sent into exile yet again after his defeat, which also lead to his death shortly after. -
Tokugawa Shogunate Ends
The Shogunate was established to create peace over the land og Japan after being in total chaos before, though this ended after a sudden influx of forigen people and there was some money issues at the time. After being threated again Japan tried to go back into isolation, but this didn't work and the Shogun resigned with abolished the Tokugawa Shogunate.