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2018 01 13 (10)

B Paglino History of Special Education Timeline

  • Idiot Savant: Term Coined by Dr.John Langdon Down

    Idiot Savant: Term Coined by Dr.John Langdon Down
    Better known for describing Down’s Syndrome, Langdon coins the term Idiot Savant which is accepted as the first know attempt at defining autism. The term has morphed into Autistic Savant. It is used commonly to describe someone who excels at a certain task, which seems out of reach. Think of Dustin Hoffman’s character in Rainman. Link:
  • Sybil Elgar School Opens

    Sybil Elgar School Opens
    One of the first schools dedicated to educating students with autism opens in the UK. Sybil Elgar is the first known special education teacher devoted to autism in the UK. Elgar was a founding member of the National Autistic Society. Link:
  • Palm Beach School for Autism

    Palm Beach School for Autism
    Palm Beach School for Autism opens. Offering programs from Pre-K to post high school. The school strives to meet the unique needs of people with autism. The school was opened in Palm Beach County due to the lack of decent educational services offered in the county. They are expected to open a separate school to work facility by March of 20 Link:
  • Vaccines and Autism

    Vaccines and Autism
    Andrew Wakefield publishes a paper in The Lancet, a scientific journal. The paper links vaccines to autism. This causes controversy which exists today and has been cited as a main cause for the resurgence of once eradicated diseases. The paper has since been proven to be fraudulent. The ensuing controversy has caused outcry from the autistic community. Link:;
  • INSAR: International Society for Autism Research

    INSAR: International Society for Autism Research
    INSAR is founded. Based on the premise that research needs to be based on scientific principles. Their mission is to improve the lives of those with autism and their families. The organization offers funding for research. They publish The Autism Research Journal. Link:
  • IDEA Reauthorized

    IDEA Reauthorized
    IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is reauthorized. It includes new provisions and defines Highly Qualified Teacher. It aligns with The No Child Left Behind Act. Added a timeline to when an IEP must be completed. Link:,root,regs,300,A,300.8,c,1,.html; Video:
  • Autism Speaks Founded

    Autism Speaks Founded
    Autism Speaks is founded. The organization provides resources for those affected by autism. They offer local chapters throughout the United States. They are known for fundraising activities used towards research. Link:
  • ESSA: Every Student Succeeds Act

    ESSA: Every Student Succeeds Act
    Signed into act by President Obama. Reauthorizes the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act). Provides provisions for disadvantaged and high-need students. Provides for increases in high quality preschools. Also provides for accountability in low performing schools. Link:
  • The Els Center of Excellence

    The Els Center of Excellence
    Ernie Els, a famous golfer, speaks publicly about having a son with severe autism. He opens a state of the art school in Jupiter, Florida where he lives part of the year. The school emphasizes treating the entire child with scientifically proven methods. Link:
  • Autism Education in the State of Florida

    Autism Education in the State of Florida
    The Florida State Board of Education offers rules meant to provide guidelines in educating students with autism. One rule provides for evaluation and intervention. Another rule defines the term highly qualified teacher and defines certain educational requirements for teachers. Another rule provides for insurance coverage. Link: