Our new baby son.
Azmy was brought to this world by his wonderful mother sina, and was adored by his loving family. -
Period: to
Azmy's Life.
Azmy builds up his future to achieve, and succeed in the future, and then unfortunatley death occurs. -
The Start of 8th Grade..
8th grade is my year. 8th grade is the year that i will never forget. I will set a good reputation throughout the year, and spend time with familiar faces that i will advance to highschool with. I will express all emotions of childhood here, and have a great year with my fellow 8th grade students. -
Graduating 8th Grade.
8th grade graduation, saying my goodbyes to all my loyal, caring teachers, and seeing my school for the last time unfortunately. I'll gracefully advance to highschool, learning other techqniques and skills. But 8th grade graduation will be one of the best experiences for me, from having the thrill of graduating and going higher in life, and recieving my diploma, to start fresh. -
The start of highschool.
The start of highschool. I will begin my career in Alan B Shepard Highschool, and build it up slowly to achieve a successful future and maintain a excellent job in the long run. These four years will create my life, and will advance me to be a better person in life with academic skills, and in my future job, Highschool is everything to make my life a success. I will take everything seriously, and do things I enjoy such as basketball, and football -
Goal 1-Highschool
My first goal is to set asside the little things, and focus on certain achievments I will come along to in academicas, by focusing mainly on schoolwork. Also, being a good student and I will maintain this characteristic throughout highschool to set a good reputation throughout, with good grades so colleges good colleges can accept me. -
Highschool Sports goal 2
My Goal for highschool sports is to play football, and basketball. I will work hard physically and mentally to achieve my goals in both sports. I want to play starting shooting forword for basketball, and starting fullback for football. My dream is to play like my favorite basketball player, Kevin Durant. -
Highschool Goal 3.
My 3rd goal I'd like to achieve in highschool, is to cherish every moment to explain to my future family how great of an experience it is. Bassed on knowledge I've picked up from my family, highschool is not just hard working, it's to have fun also, and do many things that you may carry on with you in the future, such as sports, clubs etc. -
Highschool Goal 4
My 4th goal is to reach certain achievments in highschool to get me through every year. I will do every test recommended to do such as the SAT's etc. I will base my career throughout every year of highschool by being faciliated in particular clubs to help me achieve these goals. I will study for every test recommended to take throughout the years, to set a good GPA. My goal is to set out a GPA of a 4.0. This will place me in honors, and help me be accosiated in any job in particular. -
Highschool Graduation
To achieve the goal to graduating highschool, there are many obstacles that I may have to overcome. There are two goals in particular that may stand in the way of me graduating, such as certain people that may push me into trouble, and disregaurd school. And also the lack of doing homework may become an issue. If you do not do homework, or school work in general, you will not succeed in the future, and you may not pass classes which can hold you back from graduating. -
Highschool Goal 5
My 5th goal is to apply for universities early at certain locations. I want go to to a strong, academic faciliated university that will accept me through my hard effort from highschool early. -
After Highschool Plans
My school that I dream of attending in the future, is Yale university. I Would love to be accosiated in a medical field, such as being a medical surgeon. I will need to have a doctorate degree which allows one to be entitled to be addressed as a "doctor, My average salary for my job choice ranges from, $150,267–$306,964, which is an astonishing amount of salary. -
College Graduation.
I want my whole family, and most importantly my father to witness this special day of my life. I would feel very happy like no other day in my life beacuse to see the smile on my dads face, it brightens up my whole lifes path to success. I want to show my father how I exceeded in life, and how much of a success he created as a role model. -
Life Goals. #1
1 of my goals I'd like to achieve when I am older, is to buy the Audi r8 with scissor door. -
Life Goal #2
My other goal I'd like to achieve, is to find a loyal, devoted, trustworthy wife, that I can someday have a family and kids with. And to also populate the growth of my family. -
Life Goal #3
My third goal I'd like to achieve in life is to stay in touch with all family members, and friends so I will maintain our family history with our family ties and traditions. -
Life Goal #4
My other goal is to stay healthy, and strong. And to also maintain certain skills I have in life such as playing basketball, and football. I want my kids to be physically active, and strong. And to stay away from certain influences, and peer pressure attracted by others. By achieving this goal, I will be the best role model I can to both my wife, and my kids. -
Life Goal #5
My very last goal is to own a house in which my family can build a future in, and for my kids to have a great childhood in. I want my family to be happy, and to appreciate what they have. I want to instill good moral values, faith, and to be the best at life that they can be. -
I want to live on this earth for a certain period of time, in which people can realize what I had done. Also, I want to die after my kids are succesful with families, and jobs of there own. The age I'd want to live to is 85 years old.