Azaria Chamberlain - Emily Hamilton

By 719199
  • Death of Azaria

  • Azarias clothes found

    The bloody jumpsuit and singlet of Azaria is found near a boulder at the base of Ayers Rock by a tourist.
  • Coroners inquest

    The first coroner's inquest into the death of Azaria opens before Denis Barritt.
  • The Supreme Court of the Northern Territory quashes the findings of the first inquest, and orders that a second inquest into Azaria's death be held.

  • A second coroner's inquest opens before Gerry P. Galvin.

  • Coroner Galvin commits Lindy Chamberlain for trial in relation to the murder of Azaria, and Michael Chamberlain on a charge of being an accessory after the fact.

  • Lindy sent to jail

    Lindy Chamberlain was tried for murder, convicted on 29 October 1982 and sentenced to life imprisonment after corners said there was no way a dingo could put its mouth around a 4kg baby
  • The Chamberlain trial opens in a Darwin courthouse before Justice James Muirhead.

  • Northern Territory police search the home of the Chamberlains in Cooranbong, New South Wales.

  • The defence opens its case in the Chamberlain trial.

  • Birth of Lindy's fourth child

    Lindy's fourth child Kahlia Shonell Nikari Chamberlain was born on 17 November 1982 in Darwin Hospital while Lindy was in the custody of Darwin Prison.
  • Lindy Chamberlain, two days after giving birth to a baby girl, is released on bail pending an appeal.

  • The Full Bench of the Federal Court hears the appeal of the Chamberlains.

  • The Federal Court, in a unanimous vote, rejects the Chamberlains' appeal and Lindy is returned to prison.

  • The Chamberlains seek leave to appeal their convictions to Australia's High Court.

  • A fight for freedom (read description)

    A petition with 131,000 signatures calling for Lindy's release and a judicial inquiry into the case is presented to the Governor-General, Sir Ninian Stephen.
  • Evil Angels

    "Evil Angels," a book by Melbourne barrister John Bryson, provides an in-depth look at the Chamberlain case, and suggests that they might have been wrongfully convicted.
  • The Northern Territory rejects the application of the Chamberlain Innocence Committee for a full judicial inquiry into the case.

  • The Northern Territory turns down Lindy Chamberlain's application for early release from prison.

  • A peice of Azarias clothing found in a Dingo liar

  • A matinee jacket matching the description of the jacket Azaria wore on the day of her disappearance in discovered at Ayers Rock.

  • Lindy Chamberlain is released from prison. The Northern Territory Government announces that there will be a new inquiry into Azaria's death.

  • The American television show "Sixty Minutes" runs interviews with the Chamberlains as part of a story strongly suggesting their innocence.

  • A judicial inquiry into the Chamberlain case opens in Darwin before Justice Trevor Morling.

  • Innocent

    Commission found her innocent and revealed that a jury would not have convicted if the new evidence had been available. Coroners firstly clambed that the tears threw Azarias jumpsuit where from scirrors or knife, it was know found that it could have been dingo teeth marks. The blood 'hand print' on the front of Azarias jump suit was actually dessert sand and the blood found in the Chamberlains car was not Azarias
  • Justice Moorling (read description)

    Justice Moorling issues a 379-page report analyzing the evidence in the Chamberlain case. The report finds the evidence against the Chamberlains to be insubstantial.
  • The Northern Territory Government enacts special legislation authorizing the Chamberlains to apply to the Court of Appeal to have their convictions quashed.

  • All crimal convictions against Lindy were dropped

  • A cry in the dark

    A movie about the Chamberlain case, "A Cry in the Dark" (or "Evil Angels") starring Meryl Streep as Lindy Chamberlain, is released.
  • Lindy Chamberlain receives $1.3 million compensation from the government for wrongful imprisonment.

  • Lindy Chamberlain get together with Rick Creighton, an American publisher and fellow Seventh Day Adventist.

  • A third coroner's inquest--this one a "paper inquest"--into Azaria's death is held before Coroner John Lowndes.

  • Coroner Lowndes concludes that the cause of Azaria's death "cannot be determined."

  • Lindy and the father of Azaria divorsed

  • Lies Lies and more Lies

    Melbourne pensioner Frank Cole, now 78, takes a lie detector test to prove his story that in August 1980 he shot the dingo that killed Azaria, then showed the baby's body to his companions. He passes the test, but Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton expresses doubts about his story.
  • Proven inncocent

    the Chamberlains' version of events was confirmed by a coroner. After a series of dingo attacks on humans, a fourth coroner's inquest into the death of Azaria is opened. Lindy Chamberlain expresses the hope that the inquest will both clear her name and alert the public to the fact that "dingoes are a dangerous animal."