Avneet Brar AVID Memoir Timeline

  • My First Job Idea

    On a typical day when I was two years old my parents wanted to know what was in my mind about a job or dream so far so they asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" As a shocking answer I put down my toys and said "A ghost." They were laughing so hard but still had the energy to ask why and I said "their scary and grandma says that everyone listens to them." After this day this story became a memorable moment in my life.
  • The First Day of Preschool

    On the first day of preschool I was completely scared and worried, especially about going somewhere without my parents even though I have stayed without them before, but I still had a family member with me in those day. On this very day I went into preschool and was clinging on to my mom until she lured me off of her, but once she left even though I didn't want her to leave I still had a great time making new friends, playing around, and learning new things.
  • My Baby Brother

    On March 22, 2012 my sibling was born and he was just the cutest thing to me when I was 6, and especially since he was chubby and 9.6 lbs. At this time I was happy with my new baby brother and found out many new things, but later on found out that it takes a lot of patience and toleration to have a baby brother especially when he is always annoying you even though your older than 6 and now 13. I know that as old as I get or as old as he gets I will always be his older sister.
  • Time Management

    In 5th grade I started to receive more homework than I usually used to and didn't really finish it all everyday only sometimes would I finish it for the first starting of the month. After some time I made a exact schedule of when I am going to take a break and when I do my homework. This schedule made it easy for me to do my homework everyday and I have been using the same schedule now except their are just a few adjustments.
  • New Best Friend

    On the second day of school I met this girl who kept staring at me in my first period class and I was planning to ask her to hangout but instead she came up to me and asked if I wanted to be her friend and I said "Sure," and we walked together and found out new things about each other and found that we have lot's of things in common just like our birthday, taste in movies, actors, and TV shows.
  • Language Arts

    While I was walking to my last class of the first day of 7th grade I realized that I don't have any classes with my best friend but as I walked to get in line for my ELA class I see her in the very front and hug her. After this day everyday in this class has been a adventure of crying of laughter regarding the smallest things like staring at one another. That class will always give me beautiful memories of my time with my best friend and how I got closer to her.
  • First Award

    Once the first trimester of 6th grade ended their was an Awards Assembly and while some people were getting called up for awards I was wondering how do you earn one and so I expected that I have to be on my best behavior so I answered questions, collaborated with team, and helped others in class. Later on in the year when the 2nd trimester came by my mom got a call that I am getting an award and I heard her talking, and I was so proud of myself and for my determination for getting an award.
  • Bakersfeild

    I love going to Bakersfield to see my cousins and I feel like apart from American Canyon it's like my second home because I am their at least half of the whole year and especially in summer when I go to my aunts house and have fun with my brother and cousins. I love going to Bakersfield since I have a lot of memories their and it's always fun over the summer when it's so hot and we all go swimming or play around with each other.