Avignon Papacy

  • Jan 1, 1309

    Avignon was first discovered

    It was first founded in 1309 in now what is considered today modern France
  • Jan 1, 1314

    Pope Clement V

    Pope Clement V was in charge of Avignon from 1305 to 1314 and during that time moved Curia to Avignon
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Babylonian Captivity

    From 1340 to 1353, was a letter that was a written to the popes that described the "Babylon of the West" and refereed to the practices of the church hierarchy.
  • Jan 1, 1378

    The Schism began

    In 1378, there were a power struggle that became a big problem for France and England since they supported different popes. France supported the pope in Avignon and England supported the pope in Rome.
  • Jan 1, 1417

    The Schism ends

    In 1417, The Schism ended at the Council of Constance when only two popes resigned due to the papacy in Rome