Avid Final Project

  • passing elementary school

    this year my childhood ended and I was growing up to be a pre-teen. I was sad because I knew middle school wouldn't be as fun.
  • when i got my first phone

    I felt so cool with my broken pink iPhone my sister passed down to me. It was so shattered and one day I dropped it and it broke for good.
  • Passing middle school

    It was very sad to say bye to my favorite teachers on the last day of school. I was glad I was going into highschool but also a little nervous.
  • Trying to get through freshman year.

    I'm trying to pass all my classes with at least a high C. I am trying to pay attention in class as well but i kind of struggle with that sometimes.
  • drop my truck

    (future goal) I've always wanted to have a low truck. i want one to show off and to have something physical that makes me happy.
  • be a rich welder

    I want to be rich of course while also doing something cool.
    I think welding would be fun.
  • have a big house

    I want a house and no financial problems or mental problems. I want to have my dream home early.
  • buy my parents they're dream house

    I want to return the favor to my parents for taking care of me and raising me to be the man I am now. I want to buy them everything they have ever dreamed of when they were younger.
  • having a wife

    I want a loving caring wife. I want to be able to have a partner for the rest of my life
  • have a son or a daughter

    I want a kid to raise and love. i want a mini-me
  • retire young

    I want to retire young so I can love life and not work. I want to enjoy life stress-free.