Birth (Not an Event)
A happy and chubby baby was born. -
Age 2
I was cutting out coupons with my mom at the kitchen table. We had mommy’s day out and spent lots of time together.
I loved the independence my mother gave me because it sculpted me into the independent woman I am today. Stage of Development: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
System Affected: Microsystem & Mesosystem -
Age 5
In kindergarten, I was constantly teased about my mustache and thick eyebrows. I’ve always been a hairy person, but I hated when I was made fun of for it. It lowered my self-esteem. I thought I was ugly and no one liked me because of my mustache. This experience made me self-conscious about my looks through my adolescent years, but now I am proud of the skin I am in. Stage of Development: Initiative vs. Guilt
System Affected: Microsystem -
Age 12
In 7th grade, my family moved from Arkansas to Chicago. Although I was not diagnosed, I experienced a mild case of depression. 10 years of my life was spent in Arkansas and now my parents decided to move to a new state. It was tough because my parents made the decision to relocate. Now, I can adapt to any environment. Stage of Development: Identity vs. Role Confusion
System Affected: Microsystem, Mesosystem, & Exosystem -
Age 18
My father lost his job.
Money was tight and I was not able to go out with friends as much as I once did because my family's main source of income was now gone. I was helping my parents around the house and realized I needed to change the thought of “money growing on trees.” It taught me to appreciate what God already blessed me with. Stage of Development: Identity vs. Role Confusion
System Affected: Microsystem & Mesosystem -
Age 22
I graduated from college. I was ecstatic I accomplished a major goal in my life and ready to see what the next chapter held. I knew from that moment on, I would achieve all goals to come. Stage of Development: Intimacy vs. Isolation
System Affected: Exosystem -
Age 23-24
My grandmother was diagnosed with dementia. My friend was killed in a car accident. My boyfriend broke up with me. It was finals week and I had plenty of graduate papers to write. My sister aka best friend got married and moved out of state. I felt a major void and did not know which way to turn next. Stage of Development: Intimacy vs. Isolation
System Affected: Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, & Macrosystem -
Age 25 (Not an Event)
I am now 25 and learning more about myself every single day.