The day I was born.
It was obviously an amazing day because I was born, but it was also Father's day. Best father's day present ever = me. -
My sister was born.
Obviously I don't remember this day, as I was two, but im sure it was great. -
Joined Girl Scouts
I joined girl scouts in kindergarten and have been in the same troop ever since. -
Dove off the diving board
I dove off the diving board when I was seven, so I'm basically a champ. I got a stuffed animal since I dove, and it's name was...Diver. Creative? I think yes. -
Whale watching in Massechusets
My whole family went on vacation to my cousins house and we went whale watching and my uncle told funny jokes. -
I got my dog
I got my smelly dog and we named her Missy and she peed on the carpet the first day. whoop. This picture is exactly what she looks like. -
My First Live Concert
I went to a Taylor Swift concert on a school night. She said her rapper name was T. Swift. -
My second time to California, but the first time I remembered it. California is the furthest i have ever traveled from New Jersey -- I have never been out of the country. -
I was valdictorian at my eighth grade graduation and I gave a speech and the mic died in the middle. -
I met Keelin Magaletta
I met Keelin and it was awesome and we've been friends ever since because we share the characteristic of being awesome. -
My brother got married.
Lots of fun, a memorable day. -
It's very hot in this room, so I'd rather be outside on a swing.