Emily's Autobiographical Timeline

  • Born

    I was born in Lake Forest, IL to Richard and Jennifer Oskierko and have an older sister, Amanda.
  • Babysat by Aunt Cathi

    Babysat by Aunt Cathi
    For many of my early years, I spent my days with my aunt Cathi while my parents were at work. She had a huge impact on who I am as a person and how I think because she was with me so much during my formative years.
  • Dad Deployed

    When I was 2, just after 9/11, my dad got deployed to Iraq for six months. I'm thankful that I don't have memories of my father not being there, but I know it had an effect on me. Having a father in the military in general had a lot of effect on my development.
  • First Best Friend

    First Best Friend
    Since I was a year old, my dad's parents would take me to Sanibel Island, FL every year for 2-3 weeks to their condo they have there. Soon I made a friend there named Devon, she was from PA and came with her grandparents just like me! She was my first close friend, even though she lived so far. We even learned to swim together and still chat today.
  • Nina was Born

    Nina was Born
    Nina is my neighbor, but she's more of my little sister than anything else. I spent lots of summer's "babysitting" Nina, where her dad would watch me watch her, because I was still so young. I always loved taking care of little babies though, so they thought it'd "train" me up, we called it B.I.T (Babysitter In Training). It definitely formed my love for early childhood care.
  • Spent a Summer with Olivia

    Spent a Summer with Olivia
    The summer before I started High School, I spent a lot of my days with my cousin Olivia. We have always been really close growing up, but we could finally go do stuff without our parents. We went to beaches, candy factory's, and lots of Target's! She also went through a hard high school experience with bullies so she taught me a lot about being kind, loving myself first and how to stand up for myself at the end of the day.
  • Period: to

    Year of Online School

    My freshman year of high school I faced some bullies that used to be my friends. This was really hard for me causing me to do my sophomore year online. The year off taught me how important motivation and mental health are. I also made lots of online friends that are still some of my closest friends to this day.
  • Started College!

    Started College!
    When I moved away from my small (predominantly white) town, I learned a lot about different kinds of people I had never experienced before. This changed a lot of the way I think about everything and perceive people around me.
  • Parents got Divorced

    My parents divorce changed me a lot and gave me a different outlook in life. After it happened, my mom and sister moved to Boston and have lived there since.
  • My Nephew was Born!

    My Nephew was Born!
    10 weeks early, 3lbs. 6oz. and a Gemini, little troublemaker Gunnar was born. He changed the way I love, they say when you have a baby your understanding of love changes, but a nephew did it for me!
  • Got a Puppy!

    Got a Puppy!
    At the end of my third year at ISU, I bought a long-haired miniature dachshund and named him Snoop! He motivates me to do more and stay on top of things in my life, and gives me lots of kisses.