Leo Kanner
"His seminal paper Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact (pdf), together with the work of Hans Asperger, forms the basis of the modern study of autism." -
Hans Asperger
Hans described Aspergers syndrome, a form of Autism, as "a lack of empathy, little ability to form friendships, one-sided conversation, intense absorption in a special interest, and clumsy movements." He was also a childrens psychiatrist. -
Title VI to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
This title created a Bureau of Education for the Handicapped, now known as OSEP, and creating/funding the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development. This allows school districts to recieve extra teachers to teach student with disabilities. -
The EHA (Education of the Handicapped Act)
This is enacted to expand Title VI greatly. -
Sec. 504 regulations
To begin with 1977-78 school year, and includes a requirement for a self-evaluation of all policies and procedures of your school district and your state education agency so that discriminatory policies would be stopped -
Americans with disabilities act
Schools failures to protected students with disabilities forces the government to protect parents and students with disabilities. This act also adopts the 504 regulations so that they are now a federal statue. -
The IDEA is amended
Hundreds of changes that affect programming starts with the 1998-99 school year. -
No child left Behind act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
Autism Takes Center Stage in Housing Discrimination Case
A landlord, Mr. Michael Corey, demanded that a woman get a doctors note for her brother with sevier autism stating he would not be a liability threat, and get an insurance policy worth $1 million in liability coverage. HUD took up a case against the landlord sayin "Fair Housing Act by discriminating on the basis of disability in his offer of the apartment."