Australian History

  • Enclosure acts began

    Enclosure acts began in Britain
  • machinery was invented

    Industrial Revoloution began
  • Convicts stopped being sent over seas

    they stopped going to America
  • NSW was suitable

    NSW was suitable as a penal colony
  • Captain Arther

    got chosen for the first fleet
  • 13th of May

    The First Fleet
  • Arther Phillip was governer

    governer of the colony
  • more fleets arrived

    2 more
  • huge growth in population

    poverty and crime
  • Governer Lachlan Maquaie arrived

    buildings and roads began
  • the railroad

    The railroad opened between Melbourne and Sydney.
  • woman can vote

    woman got the right to vote through the Franchise Act
  • Australian colonies

    they divided into six