Australian Catholic Church

  • Public Mass

    The 1st formal public Mass is held and celebrated by the prisoner priest, Fr Dixon. However, under strict government management.
  • First Priests

    The first legitimate priest’s Fr John Therry and Fr Phillip Conolly arrive in Sydney. The first catholic school and catholic church was opened by Fr Therry.
  • Misjudged & Removed

    Fr Therry was misjudge in the Sydney News Paper causing a disturbance between the Catholic and Anglican institution. Governor Macquarie annoyed by the disturbance removed Therry from his role within the catholic community.
  • Catholic Mission

    The first Catholic Mission for Aboriginals was opened on Stradbroke Island.
  • Brisbane First Bishop

    Fr James Quinn is blessed in Ireland so he can move to Australia and become Brisbane’s first Bishop.
  • Death & Re-election

    The Archbishop Polding dies at Sacred Heart Prebytery at the age of 85 in Sydney. New Archbishop of Sydney is elected as Roger Bede Vaughan.
  • Holiday's & Death

    During a trip to England the Archbishop of Sydney Vaughan dies.
  • New Archbishop of Sydney

    Francis Patrick Moran, who was blessed in Ireland is promoted to the new archbishop of Sydney.
  • First Meeting & Cardinal Priest

    The first meeting of the Australian Catholic church is help in Sydney. Moran the archbishop is made the Cardinal Priest.
  • Australian Propoganda

    Australian propaganda introduced.
  • Death & Re-election

    Cardinal Moran dies and his place is given to Archbishop Kelly.
  • Australian Catholic Federation

    In Victoria the Australian Catholic Federation is founded. The federation was set up to encourage political interests within the catholic church, and is part of a world wide association. Which is certified by Archbishop of Melbourne, Thomas Car.
  • Eucharistic Congress

    The International Eucharistic Congress is held in Sydney by Archbishop Kelly. Cardinal Ceretti selected as the ambassador for Pope Pius XI.
  • Catholic Prime Minister

    The new prime minister of Australia James Scullin is the first catholic prime minister.
  • Death & Re-election

    Archbishop Michael Kelly dies. Archbishop Gilroy becomes Archbishop of Sydney.
  • First Australian Born Cardinal

    The first Australian born member of the Sacred College is newly elected Cardinal Gilroy.
  • Bishop

    Sydney born, James Darcy Freeman is elected bishop in Paribas to Sydney.
  • Bishop Has Been Blessed

    Cardinal Gilroy blessed Bishop Freeman.
  • Pope has been Replaced

    Pope Paul VI has replaced Pope John XXIII due to his death. The second Vatican Council begins and assigns Cardinal Gilroy to the council of Presidency. The language spoken during the mass is now in English instead of Latin.
  • Services to Sydeny & the comunity

    Cardinal Gilroy is receives a KBE, a knighthood of the British Empire for his services to Sydney and the community.
  • Pope Visits Australia

    Pope Paul VI makes the first-ever Papal visit to Australia
  • Australia No Longer A Mission Country

    Rome announces that Australia is no longer a mission country
  • Pope Visits Australia

    Pope John Paul II holidays in Australia.  
  • Archbishop to Cardinal

    Archbishop Clancy is made a Cardinal
  • 8th Member of Archdiocese

    Cardinal retires and Archbishop Gorge Pell becomes the eight Archbiship od archdiocese.
  • Death & Replacement

    Death of Pope John Paul II and is replaced by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI