
australia's wild fires

By 2525
  • how it happened

    how it happened
    it seems it was caused by people on purpose
    reason unknown
  • where it is

    where it is
    it seems to be spread across every state
  • death count

    death count
    it seems 28 have died so far
  • who to blame

    who to blame
    it seems it could be natural but there are 24 suspects
  • who's involved in helping

    who's involved in helping
    it seems air force navy and army personnel are helping
  • animals

    it seems that it is possible that millions of animals have died
  • when it will end

    it could take months for it to end due to it still being dry season
  • how much is burned

    it is estimated to be at 1 million acres
  • size

    although all over australia it depends on the area from patches to infernos
  • droughts

    it seems australia has been experiencing one of the worst droughts so far
  • power of the fire

    it is said that the fires almost overan a group of firefighters
  • threats

    there are high and dry winds that could threaten to reignite fires
  • crisis

    it has been marked as a crisis by everyone in federal power
  • lightning

    lightning caused the fires in the south
  • the capital

    a helicopter caused a fire threatening the capitol