028540598 primary none

Austin Boy

By 120533
  • Born

    When I was born Mwah ha ha
  • Lord of life preschool

    Lord of life preschool
    My first yaer of peeschool
  • I was so weird

    I was so weird I Thought I was so cool because my mom helped out during Kinder garden
  • Kindergarden

    First year of kingdergarden
  • !st grade

    !st grade
    best year best teacher
  • 2 drade

    2 drade
    My onley memiry was that it was pertaly in 2014
  • 3rd grade

    3rd grade
    Mr. Ahearn
  • Summer

    For my VK me my mom dad and siblings and grandparents when to Canada
  • 4th grade

    4th grade
    Mr. Ahearn again Yay
  • Baseball

    My first year of baseball I loved it but I had Really mean teammates that made me not want to play any more but I still did and we made it to the championship but sadly lost
  • Glasses

    I got my glasses over the summer right before 5th trade
  • 5th grade

    5th grade
    Worst yeer EVER
  • Now???????????????????????????????????????????????????

    MIDDLE SCHOOL yea whoo shooooooooooooo exided not more home work