
  • Feb 16, 1453

    start of Greece 800-500 B.C

    start of Greece 800-500 B.C
    Ancient Greece started in 800-500 B.C this was the beginning of Greece. To make Greece a successful country people would have to make a goverment, raise taxes, they would also have to make whom they would have as a god or godess.
  • Feb 16, 1493

    starting of Greece olympics in 776 B.C

    The first olympic games. The games were held every 4 years to honor zeus. There were sports including chart racing, wrestleing,and Javelin. The winner was crowed with wreath made of branches.
  • Feb 16, 1536

    democracy 508 B.C

    508 B.C Democracy baganin Athens. We still use this trem meaning ruled by people. Male citizens were given the right to vote.
  • Greeks defeat persian in 409 B.C

    Greeks defeat persian invade at the battle of marothon
  • Athens becomes a very powerful city in 450 B.C

    In 450 B.C Athens becomes a very powerful city and controls and empire.
  • 432 B.C

    In 432 B.C The Parthean in Athens is finished being built.
  • end of Golden area 431-404

    431-404 the peluponnesan war was fought by Athens against Sparta. At the end of the wat spartans were supported by persians. They destroyed Athens Navy. The Peluponnessan war was the end of Greece Golden area.
  • 33 B.C

    Pillip King of Macedonia took control of Greece after his death, his son Alex took the trone of Greece.
  • Greece joins Romans 146 B.C

    Romans conquered Greece end of Greece empire. Greece becomes part of the Romand empire.
  • end of Roman empire 455 A.D

    in 455 A.D End of Roman empire
  • 1896 A.D

    Modern Olympics games began the games were held in Athens to build friendship amoung differeny countries.