Atomic Timeline (old)

By brisla
  • 460


    Created the most accurate early atomic theory of the universe and was known as the Laughing Philosopher because he was always laughing.
  • J. Dalton

    Discovered that when elements combine they always combine in certain ratios and he started teaching when he was 12.
  • Mendeleev

    Made the first version of the periodic table and was denied a Nobel Prize because of politics at the Academy.
  • Lisa Meither

    Conducted experiments that proved that heavy elements capture neutrons and form unstable products when they undergo nuclear fission. She was also the 2nd woman in the world to get a doctorates degree.
  • E. Goldstein

    He discovered canal rays, which have a positive charge equal to an electron, and was the great uncle of violinists Mikhail and Boris Goldstein.
  • Vincent van Gogh

    Vincent van Gogh
    He was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter that is widely loved and influential today. He created about 2,100 artworks, 860 of which were oil paintings, in a decade. One of his famous paintings, the Starry Night Over the Rhone, was painted in 1888. He was considered a madman and a failure. His depression continued to worsen and he is believed to have shot himself and died two days later.
  • Marie Curie

    She discovered radium and polonium and made a huge contribution to cancer treatments and was the 1st person to win 2 Nobel Prizes
  • Max Planck

    Invented the quantum theory and the law of black body radiation and was one of Einsteins earliest supporters.
  • W. Thomson

    W. Thomson
    Created the plum pudding model of the atom and was knighted for his contributions to science.
  • E. Rutherford

    He was born in New Zealand and discovered alpha, beta, and gamma rays in radiation.
  • Bohr

    He made the Bohr model of an atom
  • HGJ Moseley

    Discovered that the number of protons determines the atomic number.
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert Millikan
    Won the Nobel Peace Prize for his study of the elementary electronic charge and the photoelectric effect.
  • Louis de Broglie

    Thought that electrons have a wave/particle duality.
  • Schrodinger

    Introduced the Schrodinger Equation. A crater on the moon is named after him.
  • Chadwick

    He proved the existence of neutrons in atoms.
  • Fermi

    Discovered that nuclear transformation could occur in nearly every element.
  • H. Yukawa

    Came up with the Theory of Mesons, which explained the interaction between neutrons and protons.
  • Discovery of Nuclear Fission

    Columbia University did the 1st nuclear fission experiment in the U.S.
  • Discovering Fission

    Columbia University did the 1st nuclear fission experiment in the U.S.
  • 1st British Committee Metting

    They started to discuss a uranium problem, research of isotopes, and fast fission.
  • National Defense Research Comm.

    Created to organize U.S. science resources for the war and no the atom, as well as fission of uranium.
  • DTM

    measured the 1st cross-section of uranium-235. A memorandum is prepared by the MAUD comm. describing the impact of fast fission for the bomb design.
  • Isolated the 1st pure neptunium

    Glenn Seaborg and Art Wahl successfully isolated the 1st pure neptunium.
  • Manhattan Project

    An American lead effort to create a working atomic bomb during WWII before Hitler did.
  • Tinian Island

    Started to prepare the island to begin assembling atomic bombs.
  • The Dragon Experiment

    Otto Frisch dropped a U-235 hydric slug through a hydric slug assembly, the 1st antical through neutrons alone
  • Pauling

    Won the Nobel peace prize for his research on the nature of chemical bonds and application to the structure of complex substances.
  • E. Russel

    Researched the extraction of plutonium-23.9 from uranium at the met lab.
  • Dame Dr. Daphne Sheldrick

    Dame Dr. Daphne Sheldrick
    In 1977 Dr. Sheldrick started the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in honor of her late husband to save orphaned wildlife and has gone on to hand raise over 150 baby elephants. Later on, she started The Orphans Project, a world-renown program that rehabilitates orphaned elephants and rhinos.
  • Dian Fossey

    Dian Fossey
    Fossey published her memoir on four gorilla families that she studied in 1983. She went on to start a nature preserve for mountain gorilla families in Rwanda and built the Karisoke Research Center, which she was brutally murdered in.
  • Dr. Biruté Galdikas

    Dr. Galdikas founded the Orangutan Foundation International in 1986. She is responsible for the majority of research and information found on orangutans.
  • Jill Robinson

    Jill Robinson
    Robinson spent twelve years as a consultant for the Internation Fund for Animal Welfare in Hong Kong working to stop animal cruelty. In 1991 she started Dr. Dog, a dog therapy program, and Animals Asia in 1998, where she helped rescue over 400 sun bears in China and Vietnam.
  • Rick Riordan

    Rick Riordan
    He is the #1 bestselling author of over 20 books for young readers. He taught English for 15 years before he took up writing. He was still teaching when he wrote his first books series, Tres Navarre, an adult mystery series. He then started writing fantasy and fiction and based his first book of that genre, The Lightning Thief, off of a bedtime story he would tell his eldest son.
  • Discovery of Photonic Molecule

    MIT. discovered photon particles that can bind to form molecules.
  • Ranboo

    He is a faceless YouTuber and streamer that raised over $320,000 for the Trevor Project in one live stream.
  • Technoblade

    Technoblade is also a faceless YouTuber and streamer that raised over $323,000 in just under 4 hours for cancer research.