-Was born in Abdera, Greece in 460BC. He lived to be 90 years old, dying in the year 370BC.
-Stated that “The universe is composed of two elements: the atoms and the void in which they exist and move.”
-Atomic model was simply a round sphere -
Antoine Lavoisier
• born August 26 1743 •died May 8 1794 in France •He made the Law of Conservation, saying matter couldn't be created or destroyed •began researching what the atom actually was •discovered and named oxygen and hydrogen -
John Dalton
1). born september 6 1766 died July 27, 1844in Cummberland England
2).his atomis theory said that elements consisted of tiny particles called atoms. It states an element is one of a kind cause all atoms are identical.
4). He discoverd color blindness -
Robert Millikan
Conduct the oil drop experiment
Mass of electron is 1000 times smaller than a atom
Took 9 years to figure this out -
Period: to
Ernest Rutherford
•Born in New Zealand •discovered existence of alpha, beta and gamma radiation •disproved JJ Thompson's plum pudding model •discovered the nucleus of an atom in 1911 •said all mass was in nucleus -
Albert Einstein
Born in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany in 1879, Albert Einstein had a passion for inquiry that eventually led himthe special and general theories of relativity. HE is considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century, with his work also having a major impact on the of atomic theory -
Erwin schrodinger
"For the discovery of new productive forms of atmoic theory"
Came up with equation of distribution of electrons to atoms -
J.J Thomson
-Lived 1856-1940, in England
-Discovered the electron
-Likened the model of an atom to plum pudding
-Model explained some of the electrical properties of atoms, but did not recognize postitive charges of atoms as particles. -
Marie Curie
•Born 1867 died 1934 •discovered radiation in 1903 •discovered polonium and named radium, both radioactive elements •first woman to win two different Nobel prizes in two different fields •her radioactive research contributed to the Manhattan project -
Robert Millikan
•born March 22 1868 died December 19 1953 in the U.S. •determined the charge of the electron to within one percent of its actual charge •used the oil drop experiment -
Niels Bohr
1). Born October 12, 1885 died November 18 1962
2). During his work on the atomic substance he succeeded in a working out and presenting a picture of an atomic structure. The model of Bohrs idea
: nucleus lies in the center of model
:Made up of a certain number of protons and neutrons
: outer layer is made up of certain amount of electrons -
Werner Heisenburg
1). Born December 5, 1901 Wurzburg Germany
Died February 1, 1976
2). Calculated the behavior of electrons, which brought mathematics to understand the patterns of an atom electrons
3). experiment start of a microscope that has a high enough resolution to see it electrons and study them found that you like tons are illuminated but gama rays
4). Found and accomplishment he won a nobel prize for the uncertainty theory found that electrons do not travel in neat orbits he calculated -
Louis de Broglie
- Was born in Dieppe, France on 15th August, 1892 and died on March 19, 1987 at 95 years old. -His ideas were the basis for the wave mechanics theory. -Believed that electrons act similiar to both particles and waves, just as light does. -Recieved nobel prize for Physics on his wave nature of electrons discovery in 1929.
James Chadwick
1). born October, 20 1891-died Jully 24, 1974 Bollington United Kingdom
2). He proved the existance of neutrons. He also established the atomic number, which is determined by the numbers of protons in an atom.
3). his experiments including projecting alpha lparticles berylliam the light element 4). at age 16 he won a scholarship which enabled him to enroll at the Victoria University of Manchester hr