Democritus Dies (BC)
Democritus Born (BC)
Democritus' idea was that space and the world are made up of atoms. These atoms are eternal and invisible, so small that their size cannot be diminished, without pores and entirely fill the space they occupy, and homogeneous, differing only in shape, arrangement, position, and magnitude. -
John Dalton developes atom model
develops model for atom -
Crookes discovers thallium
Discovered the element thallium in 1861 -
Crookes was knighted
Rutherford Gold Foil
developed a more complete understanding of atom with gold foil experiment. proved that atoms are made of mostly empty space -
Einstein Published Paper
Einstein published paper offering the first eperimental proof of the existence of atoms -
Louis de Broglie developes theory
developes theory about electorn waves. Theory explained why electrons are restricted to their electron cloud -
Lousid de Broglie won Nobel Prize
won Nobel Prize for Physics -
Chadwick observed Beryllium
Chadwick observed beryllium releases an unnown radiation which showed the neutron -
erwin Shordinger wins prize
wins nobel prize for physics. contributed to electorn cloud model. came up with schroinger equation about the behavior of wave systems -
Chadwick is knighted
Werner Heisenberg won nobel prize
won nobel prize in physics for developing a model of the neutron proton interaction. made contributions to the nucleus of a atom when involved in nuclear physics during world war 2