Democritus adapted the Atomic Theory.
He also discovered the Indivisible Solid Sphere Model.
He said, "all matter consits of atoms." -
Antoine Lavoisier
"Father of Modern Chemistry"
He formed a theory of chemical reactions with Oxygen. -
Joseph Louis Proust
Proust discovered The Law of Constant Composition.
He said chemical reactions matte is neither created nor destroyed. -
John Dalton
John propsed the Atomic Theory model of the atom.
He was also a school teacher.
It was known as, The invisible Atom. -
Michael Faraday
A scientist who contributed his work to the fields of eleectromagnetism and electrochemistry. -
Henri Becquerel
Henri also studied with radicactivity.
He named it Becquerel. -
J.J. Thomson
J.J. Thomson prosed the Plum Pudding Model.
He was the first one to discover the Electron.
He showed cathode rays, which was a negatively charged atom, so he concluded to call those partces electrons. -
Max Planck
He organized Quantum Theory. -
Robert Milikan
He was an American chemist.
Milikan found that the measurements of the elementary ctronic charge's are. -
Ernest Rutherford
Rutherford used the experiment known as the Gold Foil Expermient.
This experiment heled him discover the nucleus. -
Otto Han
He was in the fields of radioactivity and radiochemistry. -
Albert Einstein
He developed the general theory of relativity.
His formula E=mc^2 -
Lisa Meitner
She worked on radioactivity and nuclear physics. -
Niels Bohr
Bohr proposed the model of the atom.
He eventually found out that electrons orbit around the nucleus in emergy levels.
These energy levels include electrons. -
Erwin Schrodinger
He developed a number i ltf the Quantum Theory, this formed wave mechanics. -
James Chadwick
Chadwick discovered the neutron.
His discovery of the neutron made people question the physics of the nucleus and it's forces. -
Louis DeBroglie
Louis discovered the waves in the electrons.
He also came to the conclusion that all matter has some sort of wave properties. -
Marie & Pierre Curie
Marie researched radioactivity.
Pierre did discoveries on magnesium.
Together they both studied radioactivity. -
Glen T. Seaborg
He investigsted ten transuranium elements.
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He was a philosipher.
He wrote 150 philospical treaties.
He also wrote in logic and science.