Atomic Structure Time Line

  • Dalton Atomic Theory

  • Electrolytic decomposition by Michael Faraday

    Electrolytic decomposition by Michael Faraday
    showed that if electricity is passed through a solution of an electrolyte, chemical reactions occurred at the electrodes in the liberation and deposition of matter at the electrodes.
  • J. Plucker built one of the first cathode-ray tubes.

    J. Plucker built one of the first cathode-ray tubes.
  • Kirchhoff's Theorom

  • Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table

    Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table
  • Period: to

    Emission of Thermal waves by accelerating Charged Particles

  • James Clerk Maxwell proposed the theory of electromagnetism and made the connection between light and electromagnetic waves.

    James Clerk Maxwell proposed the theory of electromagnetism and made the connection between light and electromagnetic waves.
  • G.J. Stoney theorized that electricity was comprised of negative particles he called electrons.

  • Sir William Crookes’ experiments with cathode-ray tubes led him to confirm the work of earlier scientists by definitively demonstrating that cathode-rays have a negative charge.

    Sir William Crookes’ experiments with cathode-ray tubes led him to confirm the work of earlier scientists by definitively demonstrating that cathode-rays have a negative charge.
  • E. Goldstein discovered canal rays, which have a positive charge equal to an electron.

    E. Goldstein discovered canal rays, which have a positive charge equal to an electron.
  • Hertz experiment of Photoelectric Effect

    Hertz experiment of Photoelectric Effect
  • Discovery of X-Rays

    Discovery of X-Rays
  • JJ thomson measured the Charge to mass ration

    JJ thomson measured the Charge to mass ration
  • JJ Thomson atomic Model

    JJ Thomson atomic Model
  • Rutherford discovered alpha, beta, and gamma rays in radiation

    Rutherford discovered alpha, beta, and gamma rays in radiation
  • Max Plank explanation of Black Body Radiation

    Max Plank explanation of Black Body Radiation
  • Einstein explained Photoelectric Effect

  • Millikan Oil Drop expeiment

    Millikan Oil Drop expeiment
  • Bohr's Model of Atom

    Bohr's Model of Atom
  • Discovery of Proton

  • De Broglie's Hypothesis

    De Broglie's Hypothesis
  • Presence of Electron spin quantum number was proposed

    Presence of Electron spin quantum number was proposed
  • Quantum Atomic Model

    Quantum Atomic Model
  • Pauli's Exclusion Principle

    Pauli's Exclusion Principle
  • Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

    Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
  • Discovery of neutron

    Discovery of neutron