Jan 1, 1493
Religious Immigration
The Roman Catholics were some of the first major religious group to immigrate into the New World as the English and Dutch colonies acted like the more religious. -
Feb 8, 1518
Disease and Indigenous Population Loss
The European lived in close and unhygienic areas which created epidemic diseases unknown in the Americas.
The large-scale contact with Europeans created novel germs to the indigenous people of the Americas.
Epidemics swept the Americas that kill with a gap of 10 million and 100 million people, which led up to 95% of the indigenous population of the Americas -
The Search for Riches
When Spanish riches came they started colonies that were founded upon the conquest of the Aztecs, Incas, and other large Native American populations in the 16th century, the first Englishmen to settle permanently in America hoped for some of the same rich discoveries when they established their first permanent settlement in Jamestown, VA in 1607. The Main reason they were a colony was because they were on the hunt for gold. -
Indentured Servants
From the beginning of VA's settlements in 1587 until the 1680s, the main source of labor and a large portion of the immigrants were indentured servants looking for new life in the overseas colonies. /During the 17th century, indentured servants constituted 75% of all European immigrants to the Chesapeake region. -
Virginia Colonies
John Smith, convinced the colonists of Jamestown that searching for gold was not contributing of their immediate needs for food and shelter and the obvious principle he said - "he who will not work shall not eat.“ -
Atlantic Slave Trade
Most of the captured Africans were sold to European slave traders on the West African coast to work on farms and necessary resources. In the Middle Passage Millions of Africans were taken in ship, under inhuman conditions, for the voyage across the Atlantic to the New World. -
Migration to North America
Charles I, King of England and Scotland, persecuted religious dissenters. This caused 20,000 Puritans to migrate to the new world and create the -
Scope of the Slave Trade
The total slave trade to islands in the Caribbean, North & South America is estimated to have involved 12 million Africans.
The vast majority of these slaves went to sugar colonies in the Caribbean and to Brazil, where life expectancy was short and the numbers had to be continually replenished.
Almost 600,000 African slaves were imported into the U.S. -
The Slavery Question
In 1537, the papacy definitively recognized that Native Americans possessed souls, thus prohibiting their enslavement, without putting an end to the debate. Some claimed that a native who had rebelled and then been captured could be enslaved nonetheless. -
Forced Immigration & Enslavement
Slavery existed before the arrival of Europeans, as the Indian groups often captured and held other tribes' members as slaves.
Some of these captives were even forced to undergo human sacrifice in certain Amerindian civilizations, like the Aztecs.