Cellular Phones
Cellphones became widely available in the 1990's. The use of cellphones has increased tremendously since then. The amount of time people spend on their cellphones has also increased. -
Cellphones and cancer
People began to be afraid that cellphones were the reason people began to get cancer more often. As the amount of people who had cellphones increased, people who had been getting cancer also increased. -
Cellphone use was proven to be okay in the short term. They say it may increase your risk of brain tumors in the long term. -
Cellphone Use
"Cellphone use, even for more than 13 years, was not linked with an increased risk of brain tumors." -
Phones vs. smoking
Several studies showed that cellphones created a greater risk of brain cancer than smoking. They need to do several more studies in order to prove this study to be true. -
Talk time
New evidence shows that there is no connection between someone talking on the phone (talk time), and tumor development. BUT, The World Health Organization announced cell phones are still not quite as safe. -
Some form of brain cancer
"10% of all people who used their phones most often and for the longest period of time... had a substantially higher risk of developing some form of brain cancer than those who didn't use a mobile phone at all." -
Inter-phone recruiting
Interphone recruited participants in 13 different countries. -
Cell phones vs. brain activity
Cellphones change brain activity. They now say that talking on a phone (talk time) "possibly" causes cancer. Cell phones make us absorb a lot of harmful radiation. -
7 Hidden Dementia Signs
"The $25 million study found that more of the male rats that were exposed to the cellphone radiation developed certain kinds of cancer compared with a control group that wasn't exposed to the radiation."