Assignment 7, week 2

  • Missouri Compromise

    • labeled Missouri as a free state
    • Louisiana as a slave state
    • it was the beginning of the end of slavery
  • Monroe Doctrine

    -U.S. policy in the Western Hemisphere
    -warned European nations that United States would not tolerate colonization
    -led to the end of colonization
  • Trail of Tears

    -removed Indians from Southeastern homelands
    -part of the Indian removal policy
    -one of the reasons Andrew Jackson is considered an unsuccessful president
  • Battle of Alamo

    -big event in the Texas Revolution
    -assault on Alamo Mission near San Antonio
    -helped Texas win independence from Mexico
  • Panic of 1837

    -financial crisis
    -created a major recession
    -lost great amounts of money
  • Sutters Fort

    -agricultural and trade colony
    -built by John Sutter
  • Pre-Emption Act

    -allowed squatters to preempt land
    -pioneers settled on public land
  • Bear Flag Revolt

    • group of Americans
    • revolted against the Mexican government
    • California declared as a independent republic
  • United States and Mexican War

    -followed the wake of Texas annexation
    -United States claimed land
  • fugitive slave law

    -part of the Compromise of 1850
    - settled between the South and the North
  • Compromise of 1850

    -five separate bills
    -solve a four year dispute between slave and free states
    -regards land required during American and Mexican War
  • Gadsden Purchase

    -region of land that was purchased through a treaty
    -present-day is southern Arizona and southwestern Mexico
  • Dred Scott Decision

    -decision made by the Supreme Court
    -Scott was deprived of his right to freedom, and would never be counted as a real citizen
  • Harpers Ferry

    -town in Virginia
    -initiate a slave revolt
    -led by abolitionist
  • South Carolina secession

    the first state that led all of the others during the secession
  • Tennessee secession

    2nd state to seceed.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    -series of violet confrontations
    -involving anti-slavery
  • Civil War (beginning)

    -fought over slavery and state rights
  • Mississippi secession

    the 4th secession
  • Florida secession

    6th secession
  • Alabama secession

    all southern states seceeded
  • Georgia secession

    10th state to leave America
  • Louisiana secession

    followed tennessee
  • Texas secession

    did not support slave freedom so the suceeded
  • Virginia secession

    7th secession
  • Arkansas secession

    did not support slaves as people therefore they secceded
  • North Carolina secession

    the last secession due to slavery
  • Gettysburg Address

    -speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln
    -helped end the war
    -made soldiers realize that death isn't necessary to solve one's problems
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    -document that was issued by Abraham Lincoln
    -freed all slaves and gave them independence
  • Civil War (end)

    -ended with the Union's victory
    -the Emancipation Proclamation came from the war
  • 13th amendment

    -slavery can not be used as a punishment
  • 14th amendment

    -no state can enforce laws that go against the citizens rights
  • 15th amendment

    -citizens have the right to vote and can not have that right taken away from them