Willhelm Schickard
Year the Calculator inventor was born -
year the first calculator was made -
christopher scholes
year christoper scholes was born -
year first manuel keyboard was made
John Atanasoff
Year John Atanasoff (inventor of the calculator) was born -
John mauchly
year john mauchly was born -
William Higinnotham
year William Higinotham ( invetor of the first video game) was born -
Douglas Engelbert
year Douglas Engelbert ( creator of the mouse) was born -
Adam Osborne
Date Adam Osborne ( inventor of the portable computer) was born -
year first computer was made
john mauchly made the first computer -
Digital Computer
Year the first digital computer was invented -
Computer mouse
year the computer mouse was invented -
First Video game
Year first video game is released -
First portable computers
year the first portable computers were made -