Instructional Museums
The museums in the US were the central administration and foundation of instructional media. In St. Louis was where the school museum had opened. -
Catalog for Instructional Films
In 1910, the first catalog for instructional films was published. -
Advances in Media
Through the 1920s and 1940s, there were advances in media with the sound recordings, radio broadcasting, and motions pictures with sounds. -
Visual Movement
The visual movement was when the instructional media like projectors, stereograph viewers, and films were being used in public school systems. -
The Merger
The merger was of the three existing national professional organizations for visual instruction. The merger helped with the developed of the Department of Visual Instruction. -
Written Books about visual Instruction
Visualizing the Curriculum written by Charles F. Hoban, Sr., and others stated in their book about the value of audiovisual material. -
Training Day Films
Over hundreds of training films were being produced to help with the training of military personnel. The training films played an important role in preparing civilians in the US to work in the industry. The federal government established the Division of Visual Aids for War Training to oversee the production of the films. -
Theories of Communication
During the World war many leaders became interested in different forms of communications. The model by Shannon and Weaver focused on the communication process involving a sender and a receiver of a message, and a channel, or medium, through which that message is sent. -
Growth of Visual
In the 1950s, growth of television came along to help the field of instructional media. -
Defintion of IDT
The first definition of IDT was published and approved by the major professional organization in the field of educational instructional design. -
The 1963 Educational Technology Definition
The definition focused on the design and use of messages which control the learning process instead of focusing on media. The definition gave steps to designing and using this message by including planning, production, selection, utilization, and management. -
Cognitive Information Processing Theory
This theory was created by Atkiinson and Shriffin to group together the parts of a persons brain which helps them learn and remember material. The information is stored in three different areas of the brain which is sensory, short term, and long term. -
Review Era
In the 1970s, the instructional media was under a new lead by the Commission on Instructional Technology. This commission was established to examine the benefits and problems associated with the use of instructional technology in schools. -
The 1970 controversial definitions
The Commission of Instructional Technology established two definitions in 1970. The first one included what made it's communications of media into an instructional purpose. This included television, films, overhead projectors, computers, and other items of hardware and software. The second definition was a systematic way of designing, carrying out, and evaluating the whole process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives. -
1977 Definition
the Association for Educational Communication created a new and extended version of the definition. It was defined as an educational technology field is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning. -
Theory of Instruction
The theory of instruction was created by Robert Gagne which was focused on instructions and how the design of the instruction can help in the learning process. Every learner calls for a different learning process and the theory of instruction shows how to best design a class to that specific learner. -
First educational Film
Visual materials such as film and pictures were apart of the visual instructional movement. -
The advances of Instructional media
In the mid 1990s, the instructional media was advancing with the development of microcomputer, interactive video, CD-ROM, and the Internet lead to distance learners. -
Schema Theory and Cognitive Load
The schema theory and cognitive load was founded by Sweller, and Van Merrienboer, which shows how an individual's brain remembers long term information. The design was planned to reduce the amount of stress inflicted on our long term memory. -
Definition of 1994
The AECT detailed a new definition about the field saying instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. -
Constructivism is a learning theory that focuses on the learner and their ability to solve problems from within the issue. -
The task centered instructional strategy by van Meerienboer was the first model to show a ten step approach to instructional design. -
Pebble in the Pond Approach
This theory focuses on the progression starting from the inside out which will help someone solve problems by working on the small tasks first. Next, the pebble in the pond approach is great because it teaches the content first before starting the problem. -
Most influential ID Model
This ID model created by Dick, Carey, and Carey in 2005 became known to be the most influential model. -
2008 New AECT Definition
Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.